Nov 20, 2008 18:20
Well, everything seems to be getting back on track, my computer is in the shop so I am doing what I can on Pat's while I try not to go out of my mind without things to do. For a while there we were without tv, and had to occupy my time with movies, video games and internet, then my computer went into the shop, so yeah... well, we have the tv back now, and while I wait on my computer, here I am...
Things were really hard after Pat and I lost our grandmothers, not just from the emotional stand point, but financial, hence no tv for a while... Anyway, he went back to work and found out he was only being paid for one day, because there had been no code on the time card for bereavement. So he spent two to three days going back and forth with payroll... but yeah, it finally feels like things are getting back on track now, and I downloaded and installed like six programs to Pat's computer to have something to do while I wait for mine... Going to work on making a mood theme for my journal I think now that we're recovering from financial death...