What time zone are you in (important for t.v. viewing/potential spoilers!)?: U.S. Central time!
What is your friending policy?: Don't be a sexist, racist, or homophobe. Make sure you don't mind real life updates, too! Other than that, my friending policy is pretty open. Tell me you're friending me. Have stuff in common with me, and be active!
T.V. stuff What shows do you plan on watching this television season?
Returning shows: American Horror Story, The Walking Dead, Homeland, Smash, 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation, Community, Once Upon a Time, Doctor Who, Revenge, Don't Trust the B In Apartment 23, Modern Family, Misfits, Happy Endings New Shows: Revolution, The New Normal, Save Me, Elementary, Nashville, 666 Park Avenue
What are your 'guilty pleasure' shows (ANTM, anything on VH1/MTV, etc)?: Big Brother, NO SHAME.
Which television show are you most excited about?: Revolution but only because ELIZABETH MITCHELL ON MY T.V. AGAIN. Oh, but I am super excited about The Walking Dead.
Which television show do you think needs to improve the most?: If The Walking Dead really is going to spend a lot of time at the prison, I HOPE they improve on the pacing from the first half of season two.
What do you watch outside of the Fall T.V. season (summer shows, hiatus shows, etc.)?: Mad Men, Game Of Thrones, Veep, Breaking Bad.
Who are your favorite television characters?: Juliet Burke, James Ford (number one ship), Leslie Knope, Donna Noble, Laura Roslin, Troy Barnes, Zoe Washburne, Regina Mills, Michonne (lol already I can tell.), River Song - even though no one seems to like her.
Old or current, what is your top television show of all time?: LOST, hands down.
Random junk How often do you update?: Between 2 and 3 times a week.
Is there anything else you want to tell us?: Can't think of a thing!
Do you have a favorite gif or macro from a t.v. show (Please only post one or two gifs.)?:
I am usually SO AWKWARD when it comes to adding friends, so I totally know what you mean about not wanting to seem out of the blue. And that's why I like this friending meme :)
We have a few friends, books and shows in common, and while I don't RP anymore I used to be really into it, so I think I'd enjoy following that. Mind if I friend?
What is your name?: Britt
How old are you?: 27
What time zone are you in (important for t.v. viewing/potential spoilers!)?: U.S. Central time!
What is your friending policy?: Don't be a sexist, racist, or homophobe. Make sure you don't mind real life updates, too! Other than that, my friending policy is pretty open. Tell me you're friending me. Have stuff in common with me, and be active!
T.V. stuff
What shows do you plan on watching this television season?
Returning shows: American Horror Story, The Walking Dead, Homeland, Smash, 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation, Community, Once Upon a Time, Doctor Who, Revenge, Don't Trust the B In Apartment 23, Modern Family, Misfits, Happy Endings
New Shows: Revolution, The New Normal, Save Me, Elementary, Nashville, 666 Park Avenue
What are your 'guilty pleasure' shows (ANTM, anything on VH1/MTV, etc)?: Big Brother, NO SHAME.
Which television show are you most excited about?: Revolution but only because ELIZABETH MITCHELL ON MY T.V. AGAIN. Oh, but I am super excited about The Walking Dead.
Which television show do you think needs to improve the most?: If The Walking Dead really is going to spend a lot of time at the prison, I HOPE they improve on the pacing from the first half of season two.
What do you watch outside of the Fall T.V. season (summer shows, hiatus shows, etc.)?: Mad Men, Game Of Thrones, Veep, Breaking Bad.
Who are your favorite television characters?: Juliet Burke, James Ford (number one ship), Leslie Knope, Donna Noble, Laura Roslin, Troy Barnes, Zoe Washburne, Regina Mills, Michonne (lol already I can tell.), River Song - even though no one seems to like her.
Old or current, what is your top television show of all time?: LOST, hands down.
Random junk
How often do you update?: Between 2 and 3 times a week.
Is there anything else you want to tell us?: Can't think of a thing!
Do you have a favorite gif or macro from a t.v. show (Please only post one or two gifs.)?:
We have things and friends and an LJ layout in common... friends, mayhaps? :)
We have a few shows in common, plus an appreciation of River Song. Friends?
Adding you now!
I am usually SO AWKWARD when it comes to adding friends, so I totally know what you mean about not wanting to seem out of the blue. And that's why I like this friending meme :)
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