Title: Echos of Memories
CocohufflepuffsPairings: Harry/Draco implied still *sigh*, Harry/Pansy Smackdown! action, Boily!Colin, and a Mystery Guardian Angel! ;)
Rating: R, for references to death and violence, bad language and angst!
Words: 1000 Again. Sorry! *hides*
Disclaimer: JKR's property. I'm tresspassing. ;)
Notes: Someone help me: I can't stop typing! *smirk* I'll try to be more brief next time, I promise. As always, no beta or Brit-pick, in my
journal and
The Hex Files.
Without a second thought, Harry's instincts switched to dueling mode. His wand aimed for his opponent's weak points as he took a defensive position before his comrad. His anger instantly released a pool of magic to be used as necessary. His eyes narrowed dangerously, traveling up his opponent's torso for the head, seeing-
Harry froze. This wasn't training. This wasn't battle either. Currently, Pansy Parkinson wasn't a Death Eater. She was a Slytherin and a prefect, yes, but instead of being ruthless and evil, her face was pale as she slumped against a wall, her wand forgotten. She was just a petty, jealous, scared girl. She wasn't the real enemy.
"He's letting you court him because he's afraid of you."
God, he hated what this war was doing to him. Draco had every right to be afraid.
Harry's posture eased some, but he didn't lower his wand. Before either could suss out what to do, or what exactly had happened, an echo caught their attention. It sounded like McGonagall's voice and footsteps. Pansy quickly stowed her wand up her sleeve and glared before exiting in the opposite direction. It took Harry a moment longer to stiffly retract his arm.
Colin and Harry anxiously awaited the arrival of their Head of House. Harry had hoped to atone for his behaviour last year, however if McGonagall hadn't heard the commotion then one look would give them away. As his record stood, it wouldn't matter that Pansy had started the row. With the way it'd almost ended, Harry wasn't sure he didn't deserve punishment.
Just when he'd begun to wonder what was taking McGonagall so long, Harry realized that he no longer heard her approach. He looked at Colin cautiously, his curiousity mirrored in the younger boy's face. A moment longer and the silence persisted. Harry was about to investigate when Colin let out a disconsolate moan. He was looking at the angry boils on his hand.
"Come, let's get you to Pomfrey while our luck holds out," Harry suggested humourlessly.
"He's afraid of you."
The words taunted Harry long after the trip to the hospital ward. He was now sitting in the room that'd once housed the Mirror of Erised, weighing the truth of Pansy's words. It was a prospect he'd never considered. In all their years of rivalry, the Slytherin had never shown any trepidation about harassing him. Last year, however, Harry'd been no better than a lunatic. Voldemort's games had worn down his resilience, and then he'd had an epiphany that cost him the last of his reason. His tempers had grown fiercer and his moods darker. He couldn't hold himself together at the time. And in the midst of all that had been Draco, merrily pushing every button he could. One day he found the wrong one.
"YOU THINK THIS IS SOME GREAT GAME, DON'T YOU MALFOY!? One more STUPID PRANK and you'll finally beat me, right? WELL, YOU'RE WRONG! You want to beat me? STEP IN LINE! It's only 5 meters long! You'll have to wait, though, because Voldemort got there first, AND HE'LL END IT ONE WAY OR ANOTHER! You're just a fly riding his cloak, waiting for a SCRAP OF SHIT!
And what will you do once I'm beaten and gone? BECAUSE IT WON'T BE A MATTER OF ME LOSING HOUSE POINTS OR GETTING DETENTION: I'LL BE DEAD, MALFOY! Hmmmmm? Let me make a suggestion: run. Run very fast and very far, because IT WON'T BE ENOUGH! He WON'T stop with one scrawny boy. He'll destroy the Muggle world, and then turn on the Wizarding World. HE. IS. DESTRUCTION! HE. IS. MADNESS! It won't matter if you're Muggle, Half-Blood or pure-blooded. HE DOESN'T CARE NOW! Your father's imprisonment proves this! He's just a tool to Voldemort, and a shoddy one at that! You want to be like your father, Draco? Well, BULLY FOR YOU that Voldemort agrees! He thinks you're just as expendable! He'll replace you for your father like he'd replace a defective cauldron. Then he'll USE YOU until you break too!
Voldemort isn't playing GAMES, Draco. He has his own agenda, and he won't quit until it's COMPLETED! So if you really want to see me beaten, just wait a little longer. You'll get a front-row seat."
That particular rant ended with an explosion of wandless magic. Literally. Draco had sprung another prank on him, cornering him in the courtyard. Harry himself hadn't been aware of what was goiing on, focused entirely on Draco. Ron later told him that a tempest had risen, taking out every window facing the courtyard and stripping the plants of their foliage. In the middle of it had been Harry and Draco, surrounded by a vortex of light, colour and sound. Hermione said it was almost beautiful, in an awful sort of way.
Harry wanted to smack himself several times very hard. Of course an experience like that would affect someone! Indeed, he couldn't recall Draco ever bothering him again. Harry was regretful about the measures he'd taken, but truthfully he wasn't sorry about scaring everyone. They were at war with a powerfully evil wizard. This wasn't another Tri-wizarding competition. Of course, there were consequences. The thought of being placated out of fear bothered Harry, but he'd known from the start that he'd have to win Draco's trust, given their history. This just make things harder. Given his options, however, it wasn't like the challenge wouldn't do him good.
Besides, if he succeeded he might know a little peace before the storm. The thought gave him a bit of hope in an otherwise dreary day.
Draco Malfoy was just leaving the Slytherin common room for prefect rounds when a voice interrupted.
"You should keep a closer eye on your affairs. Flowers are replacable. Jealous ex-girlfriends do damage. I might not divert her again."
From the dungeon shadows Millicent Bullstrode appeared.
"Incidently, you'll want to avoid Pansy. She's in a bit of a snit."