Jan 22, 2004 23:41
-Series one -
-- Name: Wesley
-- Birth date: May 11, 1986
-- Location: Sierra Madre, California
-- Eye Color: Brown to Gold
-- Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
-- Righty or Lefty: right
-- Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Series two - Describe...
-- Your heritage: English/French/Swedish/Scottish/Irish/German..etc
-- The shoes you wore today: All white "Nova" vans
-- Your hair: Short-ish
-- Your eyes: Cold ~ Warm
-- Your fears: Needles, Car Crash
-- Your perfect pizza: Extra Cheese, Pepperoni + jalepineos
-- One thing you'd like to achieve: Published Works
Series three - What is....
-- Your most overused phrase: Fair Enough
-- The first feature(s) you notice in the opposite sex: -rolls eyes-
-- Your best physical feature: Isn't this supposed to be "PG" ?
-- Your bedtime: Whenever
-- Your greatest accomplishment: Decade playing Saxophone this year
-- Your favorite article of clothing: Wescrew shirt, or Plain white Tee
-- Single or group dates: Both
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Ehhh... neither
Series four - Do you?...
-- Smoke: not anymore
-- Cuss: -Nods-
-- Sing well: Used to.. now it's just... differn't
-- Take a shower everyday: I try to
-- Do you think you've been in love: yes
-- Want to go to college: yes
-- Like high school: No
-- Want to get married: yes
-- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: I have a unique way of typing. But it far surpasses the speed of you Norms.
-- Think you're a health freak: no
Series five - In the past 3 months, did/have you...
-- Drank alcohol: Yes
-- Gone on a date: Yes
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: I hate Oreos
-- Been on stage: Eh... maybe.
-- Gone skating: Nope
-- Made homemade cookies: Nope
-- Been in love: ~~<3~~
-- Dyed your hair: Yes
-- Stolen anything: Yes
Series six - Have you ever...
- Been caught "doing something": Yes
- Been called a tease: Haha, once or twice
- Gotten beaten up: Yes
- Shoplifted: Yes
-Changed who you were to fit in: Couple times
Series seven - The future...
- Age you hope to be married: Early to mid twentys
- Number of Children: one or two
- Describe your Dream Wedding: I'm not a girl, I don't plan my wedding like my entire teenage life. But I want to sport a White tux. with Red accesories
- What country would you most likely visit: England
Series eight - Number of...
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 2
-- Number of CDs that I own: like 5 or 6, all mine got stolen recently
-- Number of piercings: 1
-- Number of tattoos: 99999999999999
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: A few times
-- Number of scars on my body: I don't wanna count. Theres a few
Series nine- Right now...
-- Wearing: Ghost socks, red basketball shorts, Black Tee, Puka shells
-- Eating/Drinking: Nada
-- Listening: 405 - Death cab for cutie
-- Thinking: Thinking about alot of stuff.. more than I should.
-- Anticipating: couple minutes from now 2 years since i met val. february.