Jan 02, 2009 18:23
So I just spent the past few days in Cape cod with Nelson&family, which was a lot of fun. They're such an interesting and entertaining bunch and of course we were all relaxed and happy to be on vacation/celebrating the holidays. As usual, I got sick towards the end of the trip (still am now), and we tried to leave once but had to turn around because of threatening snowstorm....but we managed to make it back in time for the Soup party, which was lots of fun, as always.
Anyway, since I didn't really post for much of 2008, I thought I'd recap a bit. A lot of good¬ so good things happened this year and helped me to grow as a person.
January: Winter break, and honestly I can't remember much about it. The only thing that really sticks out is the adventure to Sandy Hook with Christine,Will,and Nelson on an abnormally warm day. Oh and being sick with the flu right before going back to school.
February: Oh boy...what a month. SO much happened. I was really confused about a lot of things. I let someone into my life that I probably shouldn't have. I let my guard down because of confusing emotions and set myself on a path to getting hurt. Pop passed away too. bad month
March: continuation of emotional state in Feb. Highlight was spring break in Cape Cod...much needed escape. My birthday wasn't that great, I remember not doing anything(note to self: have a killer party this year, or SOMETHING)
April: Some dumbass kid threatens to blow up our school or something and MSU is all over the news, school proceeds to overreact so we have snipers on top of buildings and guys with M16s checking our IDs in front of Cafe Diem. What an awesome day...no one went to class and it also happened to be one of the first springlike days of the semester. That night I had my ALD formal. Got to wear my prom dress again, which was pretty much the reason I went haha. Would rather have gone with someone else, but I did meet someone who ended up being a good friend that night. Also in April, I started working at Starbucks....wow, can't believe it was that long ago already.
May: Did a summer pre-session, which kinda sucked but I made a new friend out of it. Worked a bunch& hung out a lot with friends returning home from school
June: started my other job, babysitting my beloved mini-me, Megois. hmm...more emotional distress caused by previously mentioned person who i should not have let in to my life. Had an awesome fire-pit party which I hope to repeat in summer '09
July: For the most part, a happy month <3 Went camping, partied at Christine's, saw John Mayer in concert again (10th time!), went to the city& saw Spamalot, and spent most of my time either with Megois, at Starbucks, or with friends.
August: More of the same...nothing really sticking out, except that I was happier than ever before. Even though friends were going back to school, I was really happy with where I was at in my life and looked forward to going back to school/moving in to my dorm room, etc.
September: Got right back into the swing of things at MSU, became closer than ever with Becca and Beck. On the downside, hated most of my classes. September 23rd will be remembered as "Lost in Newark day".
October: Lots of fun stuff happened...meg came home for a weekend, Beck and I went to Becca's hometown for a weekend and went to Frightfest&went apple picking. Becca and i went to see Coldplay in concert, which was AWESOME.
November: Decemberists concert in Montclair. panic attack due to stress from registration/classes/everything. Thanksgiving in Cape Cod which was great.
December: My favorite time of year...December was great, semester wound down and ended up not being that bad after all. I've been having an awesome winter break, I don't want to see it end.
What a year.
I go into 2009 a happy, (somewhat) healthy person and I am eager to see what the new year will bring.