The annoying, white puppy

Feb 17, 2003 03:49

Anyone who knows me well enough knows that I have two dogs, Silky and Spike, and one (really cranky) cat, Batsu. For as long as I've had these three, Batsus' been my baby, Spikes the 'old man', and Silky's the annoying puppy who I never really cared for.
I mean, sure, I'll play with her and pet her and try to get along, but in the end, she'll do something annoying and I'll just...sorta loath her again.

Either way, the point of this entery...
For the past week, Silkys' been taking to peeing and pooping in the house instead of outside. Its' really pissing my dad off. I knew that it was getting bad, and I knew dad was getting upset about it, but I didn't realize how upset he was until today.
I went to to bring Silky upstairs to my room while I cleaned (as I always do, she keeps me company) when mom told me to take her outside, first. I did, and she told me that I had to do it often, because if Silky messes in the house once more, she's going to be put down.

I don't really know what to do. She doesn't mean to, and I know it, but I don't know what else to chalk it up to. I think she was abused when she was a puppy (we got her in the pound)...there are so many signs. My parents don't believe me because I'm just a 'stupid kid', right, who doesn't know anything about those issues. I just feel like there are other options besides putting her to sleep. I never thought I'd be scared to loose the annoying white puppy...

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