I know we're all poor, but my co-worker needs some help...
But I'll have to let her explain in her own words (and there are pictures of the puppy)...
"So I brought Fenris to the low cost clinic suggested by princess_ismya last Thursday. It took the doctor I spoke with until today to get back to me but she did have some great news.
She's only going to charge me for the cost of supplies. Which means that instead of the $3,800 everyone else has been quoting me it's going to cost me $905. Which is awesome! Unfortunately that means instead of a payment plan I have to come up with two payments of $452.50. Which would probably be easier if I wasn't getting my clutch replaced. (Which absolutely must be done, my car is desperately trying to break down on the side of the road... again.)
Now, for those of you who don't yet know, I have been knocked down to three days a week at work. Pretty much everyone has. And those who haven't had their hours cut are working more hours for less pay. It's nice that they care enough to keep us from losing our jobs but it makes things like getting my car and dog fixed incredibly hard.
So... I'm going to post these again. Please, please, please, please think about this. I don't need a lot of money from any of you. If you can find it in you just to give me one to five dollars to turn and hand over to the vets I would be so forever in debt to all of you. And if you could just do me the favor of telling everyone (and I mean everyone) you know about this fundraiser I would be so overwhelmed. I mean, if I can actually get this $900 that would essentially pay for his entire surgery. And that would take a giant load off my shoulders.
Here is ChipIn (
http://jennampitman.chipin.com/fenris-knee-surgery). The nice thing is that I get any money raised regardless of whether I get the full $900.
My funadable (
http://www.fundable.com/groupactions/groupaction.2009-01-29.9433061179) account is still going too and if I don't reach my goal then no one actually has to pay.
I know we're all hurting where money is concerned, but I'm really not looking for much. Just a couple dollars here and there and the small favor of a few well placed links. I even have an email pre-writen if you have anyone you think might be willing to help.
This means so much to me. I will gladly offer my services and time where it will help. Anyone who has known me for any length of time understands that I don't ask for much and I never actually let anyone know when I need help.
This one time I am.
I have always been willing to go out of my way to make a friend's life easier and will continue to do so. Please help me make this happen, guys. Please."
Now, Jenna's awesome so if you can you should help her out, because Fenris is one of the sweetest, most lovable part lab dogs ever. He's kind of the Hollywood Lighting Seattle mascot puppy, and he screwed himself up in our warehouse.