Today I woke up and I was a Director and Executive Producer

Nov 02, 2008 22:26

I'm making a feature length documentary film.

Since day one of making my videos on youtube I've wanted to do a feature length film. The thoughts have rolled about and reformed here and there, been encouraged from different jobs or friends and now it's come to fruition.

Many of you already known the subject of the doc I want to shoot.

It has occurred to me over the years that trying to sell a feature length film (say an epic sci if zombie fest) is really hard. You'll never get a financier to sit down and read it, so you have to make a trailer - which requires crew, lights, actors, other shit.

A documentary requires a camera, a man holding a camera and something to point the camera at.

It seemed a logical choice that organizing a documentary would be a thousand times easier than normal feature film.

So today I met with Los Angeles based artist Luis Sanchez.
Luis has been a good friend of mine for several years now, 5 or so. He's an amazing artist.
His style is something I've nearly really seen any other do, let alone pull off as breath takingly as he does. He's pieces are weathered beaten relics from a time decades and decades ago. He has perfected a process of creative destruction like no other artst.

Luis is also suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease . It keeps him constaintly in dialasys for multiple sessions during the week. He's already
had one kidney transplant. translplanted kidneys last somewhere from 6 to 10 years and then you need a new transplant. This experience has made Luis extremely driven and where other people might cower and curse, he lives and celebrates.

I met with Luis earlier this evening to talk about the project, to ask each other questions, learn about what we were getting in to and just soak in the concept of what I was doing.

Through the course of the evening it came up that he was shipping off some paintings very soon and that tomorrow he'd be getting them ready and we both thought it would make a nice start. Day one sending off finished paintings to a gallery in Florida on a LA roof top.

I ran home to try and find a camera man, and or camera. (that's right everything I shot of myself is done from my macbook's iSight). It's time to get myself a real camera, I need to do some research I want something Hi-Def for around $2000. Then I want $2000 ;)  - anyway as fate would have it I'm in Hollywood and my friend Clint who has a day job just lent me his camera.

So tomorrow I shoot. I already made a production call sheet with a crew list of 1. Yay.

This is by far one of the best days I've had in a long time. My friend Marie said she noticed recently that I was actually happy.
To those of you who just know the online person of SamProof - I am not that person. I am often withdrawn, introspective, shy, maudline and depressed. But I try very hard not to show it. My shit's my shit, your shit is your shit and never the twine shall meet.

But it's true, I'm really happy these days. I just hope I can find a way to fund this so I don't have to get another "real job" when my savings run out.

samproof, luis sanchez, documentary

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