OK, so I just got in from my morning jog... by which I mean Reebok Audition.
Thankfully I find the sneakers I haven't worn in 8 months before I head out.
I show up to what looks like the back room of a boxing ring. There's ceiling high fencing that cages all actors into a little pen - so we don't escape I guess. I think it's awesome, very Brave New World or something. I wait for a screen to drop down from the ceiling to tell me things like "there's no I in team" and "History is bunk"
I settle down with a page of lines, fill out a little half page for and size up my competition... of which there is only one and you swear you've seen her in those Black and White adds from what ever clothing company did tat seies of naked people a while back. She's a tall African American woman, that looks nothing like me. I see how she wants to play it. She's going down.
Everntally more people enter, including a guy with a wicked Afro, ala Omar from At The Drive-In, and another guy with dreads. after wating ten minutes the girl goes in, and about 5 minutes later it's my turn. I go in and they have me jog (lightly) in place while reciting some lines about planetary cosmology and interstellar space travel.
I jog for about 6 solid minutes as the director throws new lines at me and I repeat them back.
They're testing to see if I die.
it's not totally unike this:
I don't die... though one minute more and It would have become apparent that a whole day of running will probably do me in.
So now we wait and see if I make next weeks call back. I'd be happy just to get that far this being really my second real audition in forever. Course the cats are all crossing their fingers... in m haste I promised them a bag of catnip if I got the gig... I know Tigger knew I was just talking big, but Honey - I'm not so sure about.. I think she has an addiction. She keeps pacing and starring at me.