Two Months, Four Days.

Oct 17, 2007 14:42

I haven't properly updated this thing in ages. It's hard to remember that I even have one of these journal things. I've been obsessively rereading baby books for the past few months, plus work as an Auror, and taking care of a Very Pregnant Wife and a Perpetually Neurotic But Pretending to be Suave Best Mate, and all of that doesn't leave all that much time for muggle internets.

The baby is due on December 21, which is exactly two months and four days from today. Unnamed Baby Boy Potter II will be a Sagittarius (on the cusp of Capricorn, but that seems to just complicate things). The main traits of Sagittariuses are as follows (thank you Wikipedia!): Individuals born under this sign are said to be intelligent, out-going, humorous, fearless, generous, kind-hearted, spontaneous, fruitful, determined, freedom-loving, joyful, romantic, playful, captivating, enchanting, supportive, honest, and a good natured person. Sagittarians are also prone to be restless, judgmental, sarcastic, spiteful, vengeful, irresponsible, overbearing, impatient, and boastful.

That sounds brilliant, right? Sounds a bit like Lily and me. Although I'm not a Sagittarius, and neither is Lily. Also sounds a bit like Sirius, who is a Scorpio. Right, Sirius? Scorpio? He'll definitely be a Gryffindor. Anyway, I never took much stock in Astrology when I was younger, but I'm so impatient to find out what this baby will be like, that I'm looking in all sorts of places, even Nursery rhymes. According to Mother Goose, "Friday's child is loving and giving." And that's a bit of a stretch, but still.

His Chinese Zodiac sign will be the year of the Boar. I'm really not well-versed in the Chinese Zodiac, but according to Wikipedia again: The Pig type is usually an honest, straightforward and patient person. They are a modest, shy character who prefers to work quietly behind the scenes. When others despair, they are often there to offer support. This type of person is reserved with those they do not know too well, but as time passes and they gain confidence, those around them may discover a lively and warm-hearted person behind that mask of aloofness. Despite those born in the year of pig having a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, they have few close friends who understand them and share their inner thoughts and feelings. It is easy to put trust in pig type; they won't let you down and will never even attempt to do so. Such people simply want to do everything right according to social norms.

It is important to remember that these people are not vengeful creatures. If someone tries to take advantage of them, the pig type tend to withdraw to reflect on the problem and protect themselves. All they need in such situations is a little time to find a constructive way to respond. The people of the pig type are conservative creatures of habit. They dislike being made to travel too far from familiar surroundings, unless it is a trip to the countryside. They love nature and are never happier than when they are out somewhere, far from the city.

There is a tolerant and peaceful side to their character. Such people are never afraid to allow others their freedom of expression; they do not want to cause arguments and if there is any way to avoid arguing, they will probably take this option. However, they are not weak and if the situation forces them to fight these people will rise to the occasion, whether it is to defend themselves or those close to them.

That doesn't sound as much like Sirius, Lily and me. Sounds more like Remus actually. Which might be a good thing, considering he's the godfather of this one. He'll know how to deal with all that shy nonsense.

Of course I'm not sure how that lines up with him being a Sagittarius, but I suppose we'll just have to wait and see what he's like rather than grasping at straws and trying to plan out his whole life before he even gets here. I'm just so excited. Two months to go and we're completely ready. Of course, I'll still be freaking out more and more as the date gets closer and closer, but we're ready. I know we're ready. We've done this before, after all.

Oh, and by the way, Sirius, I found that book you were asking about.

seedy baby books, excitement!, padfoot, baby potter ii, lily, moony, ridiculous predictions, baby!, astrology

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