Jun 13, 2007 23:00

Who: James and Sirius
What: Wrestling and whatnot
Where: James and Lily's bedroom
When: Tonight
Why: James is nervous about telling Harry about the new baby, and Sirius is upset that he wasn't invited to dinner. Good times.


Tap, tap, tap. White knuckles rapped on James' [second story] window. After a moment, they rapped harder.

James hopped back into the bedroom from the master bathroom, where he was attempting to make his hair behave at least a LITTLE bit. And failing, of course. He swung the window open with a grin. "How'd that lapful of coffee go for you?"

Sirius clambered onto the ledge and into the room, lifting his broom out from under him in one smooth motion. He pointed to the danish remains in his hair and half down his face, all streaking backwards from the wind. "Pretty tastily, actually. Remus says Im not allowed back in the flat until Ive 'finished my first year temper tantrum.'"

James nodded knowingly. "Pastry assault. A formidable weapon." He grinned at Sirius for a moment, not saying anything, and then sighed heavily. "I'm nervous."

Sirius threw his broom in the corner, sauntering past James and flopping on the big masterbed, pastryhair and all. "About what? Telling Harry after all?"

James messed with his hair nervously. "Yes! What if he...what if he thinks we're replacing him?"

"That'd be completely terrible. Probably tear your Potterly family apart," replied Sirius cheerfully, now going through the magazines on Lily's bedside table.

James scowled. "You really are the worst best mate ever."

"Sometimes I think Evans is a lesbian," responded Sirius, flicking through a clothing catelogue carelessly. "It would explain a lot. Half of these girls are in their knickers."

James rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at Sirius. "It's a catalogue." He grinned. "Which she buys things from."

Sirius tilted his head to the side suddenly, eyes widening. "These two are kissing!"

James grabbed the magazine out of Sirius' hands and threw it back on the bedside table. "No they aren't. I already looked."

"You totally believed me there for a second," Sirius laughed, putting his hands behind his head and stretching out. "Harry miraculously isnt retarded, you know. Or brain damaged. Considering his parentage, we're all very proud."

He arched his eyebrows at James, subtle Potter-Black language. 'Everything will be fine.'

James threw himself down on the bed next to Sirius and sighed. "I know. But still. I know we've done this before, but...I don't know. A lot has happened since then. And Harry is..."

"...Amazing," finished Sirius, simply.

James smiled. "Yes. And all grown up. And I had nothing to do with it."

"Which is why you're popping out number two. Which you will be naming after your best friend." He rolled on his side, facing James. "Y'want to make out or play night-quidditch?"

James laughed and checked his watch. "Well, Harry will be here in ten minutes. I reckon we could fit in a quickie before he gets here, what do you think?"

Sirius rolled on top of James, tossing his hair ridiculously. "Oh Jamesy I thought you'd never ask!"

James cackled and rolled them over so that Sirius fell off of the bed and onto the floor.

"OOPH!!" Thud. "I miss the honeymoon years," sighed Sirius wistfully from the floor, rubbing the back of his head.

He raised one hand imperiously, waiting to be pulled back to his feet.

James held out a hand and pulled Sirius halfway up only to let him go at the last second so that he tumbled back to the floor.

"Fuck-!" THUD. Again. "You are such a fucking wanker." Sirius kicked out a foot at James' shin as he used the bed to pull himself back up.

He then threw his arms around James in a headlock.

The Infamous Black Neverending Headlock.

James groaned and attempted to punch Sirius's elbow directly in the funny bone. Which is quite difficult at that angle. "I hate you so much, you know that?"

"Lies, you're practically swooning in my arms," Sirius hummed happily, merely dragging James in the headlock to the corner he threw his broom into. "Accio broom!" he barked cheerfully, and the broom smartly came forward and rapped James in the forehead.

James growled and flailed. "Ow! Sirius! could you not mar my face a mere ten minutes before I tell my son that he's going to have a new little brother or sister?"

"Your face is already marred naturally!" Sirius found himself so funny that when he laughed, his grip loosened just so.

James wriggled out of the headlock, and managed to capture Sirius in his own patented headlock. "HA!"

"Aurgh!" flailed Sirius, feet tangling with James' as he struggled and eventually naturally bringing them both down to the floor with the loudest THUD yet.

"Stop pulling my hair, you girl!" shouted Sirius, laughing as he squirmed an arm out from James' grip to punch with.

James twisted and pinned Sirius to the floor. "SHH! You're being so loud, Lily's going to come up here!"

Sirius let his head fall back as he howled, "YES, JAMES, YES YES YES, HAAAAAARDER!" He kicked his feet on the floor heavily.

James rolled his eyes and stood up, straightening his shirt. "Remind me never to have an illicit affair with you."

Sirius winked as he hopped back to his feet, striding across the room to again retrieve his broom. He smacked James' arse as he passed, giving the other wizard a bright look. "As much as I love you, Jamesy, you simply couldnt satisfy me, you know, sexually." He threw a despairing glance down towards James' crotch, then swaggered cheerfully to the window again.

"Hey, whatever you need to believe to keep you from jumping me every time you see me, Pads." James smoothed out his hair again.

The heir laughed. "Get your broom, you pillock."

James checked his watch again. "It's actually getting pretty close, and Lily will KILL me if I'm late for dinner. But after dinner Harry and I will both come play, okay?"

Expression slowly crumbling into a pout, Sirius threw his broom down for the third time. "Fine."

He crossed his arms, turning his nose up unconciously, looking very pureblood. "You're exceedingly whipped, Potter."

James threw a pillow at Sirius. "Important Occasion, Black."

Sirius rolled his eyes, trying to keep an icy expression, but essentially failing. "Harry's going to FLIP. He'll be so excited."

James grinned. "I hope so." He sat down on the bed. "So are you gonna stick around and listen through the floor, or what?"

"You wouldnt even know I was here," pouted Sirius, sitting up on the open window ledge. "Its not fair. His speccy little face is gonna light up." Sirius fiddled with the paint on the ledge, peeling it.

James sighed. "Sirius, please. You know I wanted you to be there. And I give you permission to listen through the floor. And to scare Lily if she comes up here to get something."

Chuckling, Sirius gave a wistful sort of smile. "Ah, no. I'm being stupid. It is sort of an exclusive PotterMoment. I'll go home to my werewolf and apologize for dousing his lap with tea in a fit of temper." He shouldered his broom.

James nodded with a smile. "All right. And I promise I'll tell you everything, okay? Give my regards to Remus."

"By which you mean tell him he's a flowering nancy with a monthly and breasts to match?" replied Sirius, smirking crookedly.

"But of course. Now get the hell out of here."

"Im going, Im going," Sirius laughed, flicking two fingers at James as he hopped up onto the window ledge. "You better floo as soon as you finish your little heartfelt Potterly moment, got it? You promised." He then looked at James with big soulful puppy eyes. "I see I have overstayed my welcome."

He gave a dramatic flourish, then dropped backwards out the window.

James rolled his eyes and closed the window just as Harry rang the doorbell. Smoothing out his hair one more time, James head down to dinner.
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