Jeez, I comepletely forgot that I even had this thing. Hallo! There are a bunch of new people here since the last time I posted. I'm James Potter. Nice to meet you all, I'm sure.
Hey, Padfoot, whatever happened to that quidditch league we were setting up? You think we can still do that? I say FUCK YES, because it's starting to get warmer, and it's April so it's all rainy and muddy and disgusting, and I approve of playing quidditch in this weather. WHO'S IN? WHO'S ON TEAM POTTER? WHEN ARE TRY-OUTS?
Also, Padfoot and I were in a pub the other night, and I happened upon this sign:
I entirely approve of this sign and need one for my house immediately.
Life is good. Lily and I have been spending a lot of time together, and it's brilliant. Harry, come home one of these nights for a family dinner or something. Maybe we can at least pretend we're a normal family for once.