Jan 02, 2007 03:04

New Year's Eve, Lily and James are emo, fluff ensues. Your characters can't see this, BUT YOU CAN!!!! Rated G, ENJOY!


Lily apparated from Japan to the Hollow, wondering if this was a good idea at all. She had told James that she needed more space and he had...given that to her. And while she wasn't sure what to think of his story yet or how to deal with overcoming what she had felt the largest betrayal in her life...she felt tired of feeling lonely. It was New Years and she just...wanted to be with someone whom she cared about. Even if that was James. Especially if that was James. Lily took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

James had been planning on spending New Year's alone...Harry was off somewhere and Remus and Sirius were spending New Year's with some of their other friends...James had thought about asking Lily to spend the day with him - they'd gotten along well enough on Christmas - but he'd promised her space. So alone it was.

James glanced up at the clock at the sound of knocking on the door. 11:55. Who on earth would knock on someone's door at five minutes to midnight on New Year's Eve??? He walked to the front door and opened it slowly, jaw nearly dropping open when he saw who was standing on the front step.


"James," Lily nodded to him, keeping her voice steady although her insides squirmed with anxiety. "I--er--Happy New Year's Eve."

James looked down at her and couldn't speak for a moment. She was here, she was home...finally he found his voice and stepped back, inviting her in. "Please...come in..."

"Thank you. It's colder than I thought it would be," Lily said, stepping inside. She stopped in the doorway for a minute and didn't say anything. She was back...home. She looked around. Everything looked the same as when she had left. It smelled the same too. "I didn't, er, interrupt your evening, did I?"

James looked around the empty house, the only sound being the TV in the living room counting down until midnight, "Er...no, of course not." He gently reached out his hand and touched the small of her back lightly, guiding her into the living room. "Do you...want some champagne?" he said, taking a step toward the kitchen, "It's almost midnight."

"That would be lovely, thank you," Lily managed a small smile at him before taking a seat on one of the couches. She looked at the television. "You were watching the muggle New Year's celebration?"

James pulled a bottle of champagne out of the cooling cupboard and two champagne flutes and walked back into the living room. He handed Lily one of the flutes and began unwrapping the top of the bottle. "Yeah...I figured it was kind of pathetic to just sit here and wait for midnight by myself." He smiled softly, and took out his wand, popping the cork out with a quick "Accio," and holding it away from him as it bubbled over the edge.

"Orihime went out to a party with her friends, so I wasn't having much more like than you," Lily said, taking the flute from him. She watched as the champagne bubbled over the edge. "So, er, where are Remus and Sirius? I would have thought you three would spend New Year's Eve together."

James poured the champagne and smiled again. "Oh...er...they're at a party too. I think the same one Orihime's at. Sirius mentioned something about seeing her." He glanced at the television. Two minutes.

"Oh, really? Hm," Lily said simply. A faint thought at the back of her head was flashing a warning sign--Who knows what horrible influences Black would have on that sweet girl--but for now she pushed them to the back of her head. She raised her flute of champagne to James.

James raised his glass to Lily, nodding slightly. "Happy New Year, Lily." He glanced at the TV again. One minute, fifteen seconds.

"It's been an odd few months, but in a minute it will be a whole new year," Lily said softly, her eyes on James.

James nodded slowly, keeping eye contact with Lily. "A whole new year," he agreed. Thirty-seven seconds.

"Time to...leave things past...behind." Twenty-two seconds.

James' eyes widened slightly, and he couldn't speak for a moment. "Lily..." Sixteen seconds.

Lily's eyes strayed for a second to the T.V. Confetti, cheering people, laughing, hugging, everywhere. What exactly was she saying? Ten seconds.

The television countdown began, but James couldn't tear his eyes from Lily. She looked uncertain but...she was here. He took a small step toward her. Five...Four...Three...

Lily turned her eyes back to James and found him a step closer to her. She looked at him uncertainly. What would this mean? Two.... One.... Midnight.

"Happy New Year," James said softly, touching his champagne flute briefly to Lily's before taking a small sip.

"Happy New Year, James," Lily nodded. Her own flute lingered a moment longer after James's own had been moved away. Then she closed her eyes and took a sip of the champagne.

James sighed, ignoring the sounds of celebration on the television. Slowly, carefully, he lifted a hand to Lily's face, thumb gently grazing over her cheek.

Lily opened her eyes again and stared into James's own. Slowly, she put the champagne flute on the table and lifted her hand to cover James's own.

James quickly put his champagne flute down too, and took another small step toward her. "Lily," he said softly, leaning in slowly and tentatively, gauging her reaction.

There was a moment when she hesitated. Should she-- Could she-- After what had happened and after what her heart had been through-- But no. It was time for a new year. A new chance to begin again. Lily leaned forward as well until her lips were just inches away from his own.

James hesitated for a moment, half expecting her to pull away, praying that she wouldn't...and then he closed the distance between their lips, kissing her softly, tenderly.

Lily closed her eyes and leaned into the kiss, thinking about nothing except that she had missed this familiar warmth and familiar scent. She lifted her other hand up, the fingertips brushing against James's cheek before resting on his shoulder.

James closed his eyes too, curling the fingers of the hand on her face into her hair. He put all the pent up emotions of the past three months into the kiss, deepening it just the tiniest bit, but not wanting to push it. He gently broke the kiss, pulled back slowly, and opened his eyes, searching Lily's face for a clue as to what she was thinking.

Lily's eyes fluttered open as James broke the kiss, her own hand tightening over his own. She looked into his own eyes and then, without thinking, leaned forward again and gave him another kiss.

James wrapped his free arm around Lily's shoulders, pulling her to him and carefully deepening the kiss, just enjoying the smell and feel and taste of her. It had been so long. Finally he broke the kiss and pulled Lily into a tight hug, nearly shaking with the emotion of having her in his arms. "Lily."

Lily hesitated before reciprocating the hug. She wrapped her arms around James and rested her forehead against his chest. "James-- I--", she began, but couldn't finished. She couldn't think anymore. Wrapped in the arms of James Potter once more, all she could do was hold onto him and hope that he wouldn't let her go.

James pulled away from her slightly, just so he could see her face, and leaned down to give her one more quick kiss. "I love you."

Lily lifted her hand up and touched James's cheek before leaning forward and giving it a kiss. "I should go now. Orihime might be back from the party soon and with Sirius there, who knows what condition she'll be in." She took a step away from James, eyes drifting to the television set. 2007! Happy New Years! We hope that this year brings you all of the happiness in the world!

James just stood there, staring a Lily for a moment, before he realized that she'd said something. He shook his head quickly, trying to desipher what she'd said...she was leaving? James stepped back too and nodded, sticking one hand in his pocket. "Right..." He attempted to smooth down the back of his hair, in vain, as usual. "Thank you...for coming over. Happy New Year, Lily."

Lily nodded to him and backed away, walking towards the door. "Happy New Year, James." When she reached the door, she grasped the handle and opened it, wincing at the cold air, but then she turned back to him. "I.....love you too." And then she stepped out and apparated away.

James walked over to the door and just stared out for a moment. He smiled softly and closed the door, shivering lightly and rubbing his arms. He walked back into the living room and sat in front of the TV, pouring himself another glass of champagne. He held the flute up in a toast. "Happy New Year, indeed..."
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