“Hey, baby.”
“Who are you?”
“Does it really matter?”
Ginny looks at the person talking to her. “A little, yes.”
“Do you wanna go?”
“Go where?”
“Somewhere no one else has ever been.”
Ginny rolled her eyes. “Well that was a lame line.”
“Alright, so it was.” They moved away from the bar. “But I couldn’t help myself.”
Ginny forced a smile and crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t think my girlfriend would approve.”
“She wouldn’t know…”
“Oh…but she would.”
“Alright…so she would know.”
“Wait…what?” The person moved into the light and slowly changed into none other than Katie Bell. Ginny stared at her for a moment. “Katie?”
“Hey.” She smiled a little. “I couldn’t help it. I found some leftover polyjuice potion…and…”
“You have been around my family far too long…”
Katie laughed softly. “I have been? No wonder I have a few extra freckles. Think I’ll get red hair soon?”
“I think you’re going to get a spanking soon. That’s what I think.”
“Is that a threat or a promise?”
“A promise. Definitely a promise.”
Katie let out a sigh and looked at the floor, the corners of her mouth twitching as she tried not to smile. “I suppose we’d better get it over with, then.”
“Right, you are.” Ginny paused, looking at her girlfriend for a moment. “And I can’t have you wearing these hideous clothes. No no no. They’ll have to go.”
“You mean I have to be naked when I get my spanking?”
“I’m afraid so.”
Katie let out another sigh. “Blast,” she said rather mournfully.
Ginny grabbed her hand and walked out of the bar to an alleyway. She smiled before they apparated back to their flat. “Now…we really must get these off…”
Katie nodded, pouting as she slipped out of the clothes. “You’ve got stuff on your clothes too.”
“Oh my? Have I?” Ginny looked down. “I can’t wear dirty clothes. No…I suppose they’ll have to go too.”
“They will…”
Ginny shrugged and took off her clothes before walking towards the bedroom. “Bedroom, Katie…You need your spanking.”
“Yes, Ginny. Coming, Ginny.”
“Not yet, you aren’t,” Ginny responded cheekily.
Katie walked through the door and Ginny saw her doing her best not to laugh. “Of course not…Forgive me.”
“No can do. Just means extra spankings.”
“Whatever will I do?”
“Stop being so bad and you won’t get spanked so often.”
Katie situated herself over Ginny’s lap. “I don’t mean to be bad…”
Ginny smiled a little. “I’m sure…” Ginny liked the way Katie bit her lip whenever she spanked her. It was cute…and yet utterly sexy at the same time. It didn’t make much sense. She spanked her again and after a few more, she pulled her in for a kiss. “Now…make it up to me, hrm?”