Forever Young

Feb 01, 2008 01:17

Things are more serious around here by the day, it seems. It's like everything's getting dangerous, everyone's been noticing it coming, and nobody wants to talk about it. People have started vanishing, and nobody wants to give an explanation. Nobody wants to say they're connected, but it's the first thought on everyone's mind. People disappearing, falling out of society and the normal circles they run in to vanish for weeks at a time coming back looking gaunt and empty.

Why don't more people understand that it would be too much of a coincidence if they were isolated incidents? Your friends and neighbors are dying, people. You can't pretend it's not going on much longer. It's always happening to someone else until someone else is you.

People say that good people can't predict the actions of the truly evil because they'll never understand the way they think. They'll never be able to get inside their heads. That's true, but it's also bullshit. I think some of them would see it coming if they'd stop pretending it wasn't.

I'm just glad there's enough good in my life that it makes the bad worth it. Some people envy those who aren't fighting and who aren't caught up in what's becoming a very dangerous situation, but I don't. As far as I can tell, if you're not fighting, you've obviously got nothing worth fighting for.

Still, though. Hearing about the kid who was killed and left outside Borgin and Burkes? That's terrible under any circumstances, but when you're about to have one, that sort of thing is scary as fuck. I just hope things will be safer for ours.

When did we all get so fucking old? I haven't always been this old, it must have happened all of the sudden. Now, of course, we're all very serious and important and gainfully employed and married or pregnant (and faced with the not-as-daunting-as-we-had-thought task of letting our parents know that we're acquiring some of those adjectives out of order) with three dogs and 2.5 kids and a yard and a mortgage.
Well, some of us anyway.

It would really be nice if that was all we had to concern ourselves with, wouldn't it be?
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