Sequel Time.

Feb 11, 2010 15:56

As someone who was seriously skeptical about Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day, I've got to say, I really rather liked it. More than I thought I would. I don't think I can talk about exactly what I liked without giving stuff away. Sufficed to say my premature hatred of Julie Benz being in this movie wasn't as deserved as I thought it would be (The fear of a love triangle got the better of me). I found that I actually vaguely liked her character(as much as one can like one of Julie Benz cardboard cutout roles). And the Mexican, while not even close to a replacement for Rocco(and obviously designed as one) was somewhat entertaining. I was pleased and surprised to see the same cops from the first one Greenly, Dolly, and Duffy, still smartassed and a great team. And Doc, our favorite bartender with turette's. All in all, the chemistry between characters was for the most part, still there and the new characters weren't too disappointing. It wasn't quite as updated and new-hollywood as I imagined either.

The plot was a bit rushed and thin, the dialogue filled with an overdose of cheesiness and a complete lack of political correctness. But all in all it wasn't bad. It wasn't amazing. But I think I approve.
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