Jul 31, 2006 14:51
I am terrible at goodbyes. I MUCH prefer being the one stepping on or off a train than the one who releases the other person to do so. Bummer. Oh well. Kris just about missed his train to the airport, which would have been a lot of fun, but he caught a different one instead. Hopefully he is somewhere up in the air right about now, eating astronaut food and reading a Star Wars paperback.
We had a lot of fun together this week. I am glad he got to come. A little sliver of something from back home. Not that Shel-Hell is the place to be, but it was a nice little sliver of nostalgia at a much needed time.
We swam in the Rhein this week, which was pretty damn fun. The current is pretty strong and takes you along with it, allowing you to see every pretty building as you pass. The water's clean and everyone does it, so its not anything like the rivers in cities I am used to. That primarily being The Dnipre which glows in the dark and The Broad River of my hometown which hosts four generations of Mexican families in the summer time.
I've been playing a lot more on the guitar this week, playing and singing. I love nothing more than music. Getting into the trance that music pulls you into, closing your eyes to welcome sound, its just one of the highest gifts. I miss playing a lot, I didnt realize it but I do. Maybe something new will come to me someday. I'll hunt it out.
On other fronts, I think I may be able to talk Jessica into California. Need to call her on that one. See, her race season ends in Chicago at the end of August and she has to figure out a place on the map to head to then. She is thru with Aiken and had been thinking Florida because there are huge tracks down there, but for years she has been saying California, California--and I think its high time she does it! Would be awesome to do a big drive out with her again...but, I dont know. We will have to see. She is also talking about some work in Asheville, NC but that would just suck, in my not so humble opinion.
Asheville is annoying. Its nothing but a bunch of crystal rubbing wannabes and stupid college kids who go get beer in plastic cups at The Orange Peel while going to check out the latest 'hip' band. Haha, no I really dont hate it this much--but I just think California is the place to be.
My brain is blank now...gonna go find something to fill it.
Kristin Jo