You're good at fluff! Fluff owns, sex scenes creep me out, just because I have over exagerated imagination and I feel the urge to have six cold showers after I read them.
DAMN IT!! STUPID FUCKING CAT ALWAYS JUMPING ON MY LAPTOP!!!! *glares threateningly at said cat*
why does this always happen on your jounals???
Yeah, well anyway, as I was typing...I've been recently converted to become a follower of Buffy: the Vampire Slayer and when I saw that mentioned here I had to do a little squee. And I also had a split second where I pictured Gee and Spike. Weird and kind of creepy....
But, I loved this fic. It was just sooo.....sweet and yeah, I'm a huge fan of your writing as you know. XD My favorite part was when Frank and Gee were lying together. *wink* It was adorable *has run out of good words to use*
-heart you (and please forgive my stupid comments and annoying cat)
hahaha! That's why I don't have a cat. It'd annoy me so much, lol. Although, my dog kicked me yesterday, bastard. But that's another story, lol.
Haha, well this one is basically a big 'I'll miss you' to Alice and Ali (and everyone else, but mainly them), and me and Alice were talking about Buffy yesterday, so it wormed its way in here. Lmao @ Gee+Spike
Lol, thank you! Haha, well I don't know if it was obvious, but in my mind, they weren't together at that point. Thanks =]
Lol, now you know how I feel when I repeat cool, awesome and amazing over and over and over and over and over(enough with the over's already, damnit!) and over again.
-heart you (don't worry, I do. please forgive this comment, I'm slightly hyper, I've only had about three hours sleep, lol.)
Ahh the perfect piece to accompany my peanut butter on toast breakfast (though I kinda dropped half of it down my front cos I was so busy reading this, eheh). I love fluff in the mornings *grins*
Anyways, I loved this. I liked how unsure Frank sounded over the phone and Gerard just like shut him down and was like 'of course you can come over', hee way cute. Then their idle chatter while watching Buffy and then lying on each other!
Oh and the way the whole 'Frank's leaving' stuff went about was kinda sad but in a cute way. Loved that Gerard looked upon taking Frank to the airport as a last adventure, bless him.
Anyway, I loved this piece, like all of yours, hee :)
Heh, what a coincidence. I was just about to go make a peanut butter sandwich (Y)
Lol, thanks! This whole thing has interpreted real life sort of. Like the abruptness of Frank going away, lol. But never fear! He's coming back in a week, lol. So all is good in the fluff world -grins-
“There’s no real hottie’s in this show,” Frank complained, “I mean, Xander’s sort of hott, and Angel’s okay, but no one drool worthy.”
“I like the brown haired men,” Gerard pouted, “What’s wrong with them?”
“Nothing, but my ideal man would have blue eyes. Ice blue. None of that light grey shit,” Gerard laughed, “And he’d be taller than me. Not huge, ‘cause that’s just awkward. I’m not bothered about anything else. But I’d make exceptions,” He grinned cheekily. SPIKE!!!! You forgot Spike Sam lol.
Oh this prompt Sam man, powerful yet cute. It is just right for the moment and I know you know what I mean.
I'm gonna miss you loads too! Three weeks of no Sam and then a week of no Ali totally sucks. But three weeks! You're supposed to enjoy yourself and then give us juicy details about the supposedly hot Turkish blokes xD I love you guys too! Loads of emails and and comments in Ali's journal it'll keep us alive hopefully. Talk to you possibly later this afternoon if not in like three weeks time!
Lol, I just don't find Spike attractive, therefore Frank doesn't =] sorry!
I know it's just right, I wanted to right something were they were parted, but knew they were coming back to one another =] And I put Buffy in 'cause you were on about it yesterday...
I dunno if I'll be on when you get back, but I'll leave a departing message in Ali's journal =]
Comments 25
Lol, I can't stand cold showers, I like them hott ;]
this is cute :)
i love your writing
i also *heart* silencing_sam
I also *heart* xxrighteousxx
I've been recently converted to the followers `
why does this always happen on your jounals???
Yeah, well anyway, as I was typing...I've been recently converted to become a follower of Buffy: the Vampire Slayer and when I saw that mentioned here I had to do a little squee. And I also had a split second where I pictured Gee and Spike. Weird and kind of creepy....
But, I loved this fic. It was just sooo.....sweet and yeah, I'm a huge fan of your writing as you know. XD My favorite part was when Frank and Gee were lying together. *wink* It was adorable *has run out of good words to use*
-heart you (and please forgive my stupid comments and annoying cat)
Haha, well this one is basically a big 'I'll miss you' to Alice and Ali (and everyone else, but mainly them), and me and Alice were talking about Buffy yesterday, so it wormed its way in here. Lmao @ Gee+Spike
Lol, thank you! Haha, well I don't know if it was obvious, but in my mind, they weren't together at that point. Thanks =]
Lol, now you know how I feel when I repeat cool, awesome and amazing over and over and over and over and over(enough with the over's already, damnit!) and over again.
-heart you (don't worry, I do. please forgive this comment, I'm slightly hyper, I've only had about three hours sleep, lol.)
Anyways, I loved this. I liked how unsure Frank sounded over the phone and Gerard just like shut him down and was like 'of course you can come over', hee way cute. Then their idle chatter while watching Buffy and then lying on each other!
Oh and the way the whole 'Frank's leaving' stuff went about was kinda sad but in a cute way. Loved that Gerard looked upon taking Frank to the airport as a last adventure, bless him.
Anyway, I loved this piece, like all of yours, hee :)
Lol, thanks! This whole thing has interpreted real life sort of. Like the abruptness of Frank going away, lol. But never fear! He's coming back in a week, lol. So all is good in the fluff world -grins-
Thank you so much!
“I like the brown haired men,” Gerard pouted, “What’s wrong with them?”
“Nothing, but my ideal man would have blue eyes. Ice blue. None of that light grey shit,” Gerard laughed, “And he’d be taller than me. Not huge, ‘cause that’s just awkward. I’m not bothered about anything else. But I’d make exceptions,” He grinned cheekily. SPIKE!!!! You forgot Spike Sam lol.
Oh this prompt Sam man, powerful yet cute. It is just right for the moment and I know you know what I mean.
I'm gonna miss you loads too! Three weeks of no Sam and then a week of no Ali totally sucks. But three weeks! You're supposed to enjoy yourself and then give us juicy details about the supposedly hot Turkish blokes xD I love you guys too! Loads of emails and and comments in Ali's journal it'll keep us alive hopefully. Talk to you possibly later this afternoon if not in like three weeks time!
I know it's just right, I wanted to right something were they were parted, but knew they were coming back to one another =] And I put Buffy in 'cause you were on about it yesterday...
I dunno if I'll be on when you get back, but I'll leave a departing message in Ali's journal =]
Heh... *giggles*
You weren't but I got the message in Ali's journal.
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