
Jun 20, 2008 00:30

Title: Anniversary
Fandom: CSI: MIAMI
Characters: Ryan Wolfe and Calleigh Duquesne
Community: prompt_palooza
Table: 4
Prompt: Beach
Rating: PG. Probably safe to say G
Summary:Just a perfect sunset for the perfect anniversary
Authors Notes: Short Shot to get me back into writing for CaRWash

The breeze blew softly across her features. She let the wind roll around her, picking up her long blond hair and whipping it into her face. She smiled as she opened her green eyes, watching as the sun began it's descend.

Her finely tuned senses picked up the sound of echoing footprints directly behind her. Instead of panic, she finally felt at ease. She smiled, "It took you long enough to get here."

Ryan Wolfe chuckled as he settled on the hot sandy beach. "I was stuck at work, because my beautiful coworker had to get off early and somehow I was the one who got weaseled into covering for her."

Calleigh Duquesne shook her head, "We need to work on our execution better. I told Eric too take the rest of my day?"

"He had a doctor's appointment to get to. It's OK, better late than never, and I got here just in time for the good part," Ryan said, clasping his right hand with Calleigh's left. Bringing the enter woven hands to his lips, he carefully places a soft kiss on Calleigh's hand.

"And what would that be, Romeo?" Calleigh asked, laying her head on his shoulders. They sat like that, hands clasped, head on shoulder, with total silence between the two. Together they watched as the sun turned the sky into massive amount of colors, until finally nothing was left but a deep purple. Calleigh sighed, content with where she is, "So, you never answered my question."

"Now I get to take you home," He said as he kissed Calleigh's forehead.She chuckled as he went to stand, grabbing at Calleigh's other hand.

They looked into each others eyes, speechless for the first time that night. Ryan slowly bent his head down, gathering Calleigh's lips into his mouth. He gently sucked her bottom lip, nipping it softly. Calleigh moaned and broke the kiss before things could get too serious.

Calleigh smiled, happy that her idea for celebrating panned out. She kissed Ryan's nose, "Happy Anniversary."
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