In Your Arms/KotOR/MicalExile/PG

Jan 03, 2008 18:40

Title: In Your Arms
Fandom: KotOR
Characters: Mical/Exile
Table: 5
Prompt: Hold
Word Count: 752
Rating: PG
Summary: The Exile finds comfort in Mical's arms.
Author's Notes: And the angsty fluff returns! Bwahaha! Written because I figure that there had to be a point where Kreia said just the right thing to really get to the Exile. I mean she made me feel like crap numerous times in the game. Written for prompt_palooza.

(It had been a long time since she'd had to find comfort in another, but it was exactly what she needed at this point.)

mical/exile, knights of the old republic, 5

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