What would you do if..."
+ I died:
+ I said I liked you:
+ I kissed you:
+ I lived next door to you:
+ I started smoking:
+ I stole something:
+ I was hospitalized:
+ I ran away from home:
+ I got into a fight and you weren't there:
+ I asked you out:
"Would you..."
+ Be my friend:
+ Keep a secret if I told you one:
+ Hold my hand:
+ Take a bullet
Read more... )
+ I died: Be really really really really sad
+ I said I liked you: ...Be really really really scared
+ I kissed you: Die a little.
+ I lived next door to you: BE FREAKIN' HAPPY!
+ I started smoking: Kick you in the face a little.
+ I stole something: Be disappointed a bit.
+ I was hospitalized: Come visit you everyday...and bring you a puppy.
+ I ran away from home: Let you live in my house.
+ I got into a fight and you weren't there: Send my vicious attack dogs to fuck that bitch up. Word.
+ I asked you out: ...Hope it was on a friend basis.
"Would you..."
+ Be my friend: Psh, no. Bitch, what you think I am? I yo' pimp, ya hurd?
+ Keep a secret if I told you one: Yes'm.
+ Hold my hand: XD Yes. Because we do all the time anyway.
+ Take a bullet for me: Damn Cheney and his lack of gun safety...
+ Keep in touch: I hope to!
+ Try and solve my problems: Mmhmm.
+ Date me: ...No? On a friend basis?
+ Hug me: Heck yes! You're huggable!
+ Make a move on me: A funny one? Yes. Twister one? Yes. XD
+ Love me: <333333
+ Crush on me: Nu.
"Have you ever..."
+ Lied to make me feel better: Not a lie, but not a truth I could keep.
+ Wanted to kiss me: No.
+ Wanted to kill me: Yes. XD
+ Broke my heart: ...I don't know?
+ Kept something important from me: Mmhmm.
+ Thought I was unbearably annoying: Only when you're reeeeeeeally hyper.
"And more..."
+ Who are you: Kasey Wasey Bo-Basey Sweet Pea.
+ Are we friends: No. I'm your pimp, bitch.
+ When and how did we meet: ...I don't remember? 9th grade computer class?
+ Describe me in one word: Puppilies.
+ What was your first impression: You were a ghetto bitch, word. XD
+ Do you still think that way about me now: No. Now you're my emo whore.
+ What reminds you of me: Puppies, buttons, emo cuts.
+ If you could give me anything what would it be: A puppy and a half!
+ How well do you know me: *Shrugs* Not as well as I should.
+ When's the last time you saw me: ...Last week?
+ Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't: Mmhmm.
+ Are you gonna put this on yours to see what I say about you: Probably.
+ Do I cross your mind at least once a day: Yes.
+ If you could change one thing about me, what would it be: ...You being Polish. XD Not really. Nothing, I suppose.
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