I thought this was kind of amusing and had to share. I keep a TV blog over at WordPress (
http://www.worthwatching.wordpress.com). It's just for fun... where I post little tidbits about shows that I like. I posted some casting news on Stargate: Atlantis that got me more hits on a story than I've ever had. Why? Well, here is what I wrote...
"So if you like Blood Ties, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, the L-Word, or Stargate: Atlantis I have some news for you that involves all four. Got your attention, yet?
According to Joseph Mallozzi (showrunner for Stargate: Atlantis -
http://www.josephmallozzi.wordpress.com) Christina Cox from Blood Ties, Nicole de Boer from Deep Space Nine and the Dead Zone, and Janina Gavankar from the L-Word have all been cast for an upcoming episode of Atlantis in season 5. I believe de Boer has a recurring role, but all three actresses will comprise an all female SGA team led by new recurring character Major Alicia Vega (Leela Savasta). Kind of cool, huh?"
Most of my hits came courtesy of a Rose Rollins (The L-Word) fan blog. That's the nice thing about WordPress... it shows you how people found you. I think the producers of Stargate: Atlantis made some smart casting choices if the traffic to my blog and the subsequent linking to my little post on other sites means anything!