So, Saturday, I went to a few garge sales. I got some more pretentious literature to make my bookshelf look smarter. I picked up a copy of Waiting for Godot and Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Also, I got a stuffed mini snuffleufflegus who is currently on top of the tv locked in mortal combat with SD Boba Fett.
And then, I bought the coolest garage sale find... EVER! I don't know what it is, but I love it... and it only cost $1. It's this giant thing made out of wood:
It's almost 4 1/2 feet tall from wing-tip to tail, and has a wingspan of just under 2 1/2 feet. It's solid, fuckin' wood. I'm not sure what kind. The wings are seperate and attached to the back with metal brackets. (I think the brackets were added later.) It has leather tacked on around all the edges. It has some beadwork on the front, and a design wooven around a loop that looks like the sun.
I'm sure it's Native American, but I have no idea what tribe it might be. I think its probably from the rt 66 era, but it doesn't look like a typical roadside souvenier. At first, I thought it was an eagle or thunderbird. But, because of its "sword tail" I'm thinking it's a phoenix or something. Any ideas? Does anyone know a good place to start looking for info?