Jun 06, 2007 03:56
Yup, just as the subject suggests: I am great.
1) I have been watching friends do cocaine and not craving it at all. I am fucking glad, it took long enough to stop thinking about it. I know I will have to stay away from it forever, that is the only part that it hard to get my head around. I do not want to do it now, but years down the road if it is offered to me I will have to reject it. I was spending upwards of 80+ dollars a day before. I know if I do a line of the blow I will be right back to where I was.
2) My tattoo is finally healed enough so I do not have to baby it with moisturizer all the time and worry about it getting wet in the shower. I love my tattoo a lot. I know I will end up getting the other illusion on the right wrist soonish, it feels empty already. I have a thing about symmetry (hence my love of palindromes) which is why I plan on getting the right side of my lip done soonish too, seeing as how I already have the left side done.
3) I am not currently beefin' w/ anyone. The one person whom seemed to be the bane of my existence for months and I have been civil and had a deep conversation for once. It feels good to not have an ill relationship or negative feelings towards anyone. It was been too many months since I have felt this way.
4) I am getting better at skateboarding and go skating almost every night if it is not wet outside. I am not a prodigy by any means but I am good enough to have fun with it now and not fall down (unless I attempt tricks other than a manual or a little spacewalk).
5) The good computer is back and working so I do not have to use Courtney's shitty one. I can charge my MP3 player now w/o unplugging the external hard drive or the mouse. I was able to watch Hellraiser and Candyman finally. I fucking love old horror movies.
6) I am not anti- social anymore, I hang out with my roommates, go down to Sally's place and up to Shea's. I went over to the place that two of my co-workers share, had some beers and hung out with them. One of these Sundays coming up I am going fishing with some cool people.
So yeah... all in all I am pretty fucking swell and not an emotional wreck anymore. There are still minor things like still having all my ex's belongings here and her still owing me money (which she actually has about 1/4 of for me now), but these are just minor inconveniences. I'll manage seeing her stuff for a bit longer and if I do not get the money from her in a short amount of time it is not like I am going to be bankrupt, at least she doesn't still owe me 600 dollars.