
Feb 07, 2009 20:44

Gotta love Free For All Friday on ONTD! First time participating in it despite the fact I've visited the community for a long time now. Really great way to make some new LJ pals, which I did. If you're reading this, hello fancyxthat, karasumaa, spuffy_girl, sylarsexual, and lovetake_over! :D Oh the power of entertainment and it's ability to bring people together! Should have joined in FFAF a whole lot earlier. Can't wait for next week's!

Anyhoo, guess that's it for now. I never blogged about the latest episode of Lost, Little Prince. (Spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn't seen it) Guess that's because it wasn't as...mind-blowing as Jughead or the premiere(Who DIDN'T see Jin coming back?). And well, it was a bit too Kate-centric for my tastes. But a solid episode nevertheless. Just how awesome were the cliffhangers for the off-island and on-island stuff? And I love how both revolve around Sun and Jin. Glad to have that bad-boy back.

Hope next week has more Desmond. He's hands down the best character in the show(well, him and Michael Emmerson, who rips it up in every scene. Who didn't chuckle when he said to Sayid "He's my lawyer." or when he tells Jack "Oh, Kate's right. It's me."? Love him!). And since Desmond is going to fly into LA with Penny, I wonder if Ben is going to follow up to the thread he told Charles Widmore back in Season 4 - "I'm going to kill you daughter." Ben and Desmond in the same scene is going to make me go WILD. What a show. What a cast.

All right, that's all for now. If anyone has seen the latest episode of Lost, let me know what they thought of it in the comments.

Until next time...

-Mohamed Malik

lost, ffaf, ontd

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