May 31, 2004 22:46
outside with friends at 2am, while sitting on our cars doing nothing. talking about the old days and what the future will bring. all this, while laughing at the drunkin' twin . thanks guys. it was a memorable night.
grad party was nice. thank you.
it's the small things in life that make me happy. for example. ani's grad party and her family including me.
they put us all in front of the family, said a prayer blessing us and sang a special song for us. all in EWE. how freaking cool is that? man, african families are cool. but it was the family part that made me feel welcomed. its nice to have a people welcome you with open arms and make you their family. i feels good to be loved. =)
ROAD TRIP: Schlitterbaun!! as of now, it's only me and lorina. anyone else want to join us? you're more then welcomed. just call me/leave a comment or IM me . aim:drwningndisguise.
i need something/someone exciting to happen in my life.
thus, i'm going rail riding. also known as train hopping. destination: i have no clue. but it'll be fun and exciting. i just need someone brave enough to accompany me. and to protect me. hey, i'm a little person. ok?!
but i still need the "someone" part.