Title: The Rogue Suspicion
Characters: Isolde/Atton
counted_stars Rating: PG-13
They sat in the shadows, Isolde's control of the Force cloaking them even further as they watched the few guards walk around the hangar bay where this ship Atton had scouted out previously was sitting.
The Rogue Suspicion.
A blonde brow rose as she tilted her head to look at her companion, the questioning look a little too obvious for his tastes as he scowled right back at her. “Look, it's not like I said they were good gangsters, you know.”
“It's... quite obvious,” Isolde murmured, looking back at the ship with uncertainty.
Atton snorted, bumping against her shoulder gently. “Did you want to go off and find us a ship then?”
The exiled one blinked. “I thought we were here to steal this one, right?”
He paused, before shrugging and jerking his head in the direction of the fumbling idiots. “How do you want to do this?”
She sat back on her heels, biting down on her thumb as she eyed them carefully. “We won't be able to just... take the ship by only taking them out. We will really have to get rid of them.” A slight grimace crawled up to her mouth as she glanced back at Atton. “We could just... knock them out, get the local authorities here.”
There was a moment of silence as he watched her. “And still steal their ship?” He hesitated briefly before touching her arm, and she found herself needing to control her breathing at the warmth of his hand. Of course. They couldn't do that. They would get out, come after them. The authorities would find out. It was easier to cut down the enemy, and she'd done plenty of that in recent times.
Her hand gripped the vibroblade she had managed to acquire-and there was a twinge of emptiness that she couldn't feel her lightsaber thrumming in her hand, the one Bao-Dur had so carefully helped her to construct. “Quiet and careful, Atton,” she warned.
Isolde moved forward then, forgetting the slight unease building in her at the idea of even more deaths in favor of remember how these people were destroying the lives of others. Spice. The guards didn't even have time to see her before she was in their minds, blinding them as her blade swept up. The three fell instantly, each death like a small sound echoing within her. Her head inclined slightly so that she could stare back at Atton through wisps of her hair.
“So, what? Should I be the one to just hide the bodies for you?”
A small smile lit up her face as she shook her head. “Just keep your blaster ready.”
She felt him follow her into the compound, and she wondered how it was that these men were able to get away with what they did, how they afforded the ship they had. They didn't seem completely bright. Or perhaps it was the sense of security that they surrounded themselves in, as though nothing could break in and touch them.
None of them saw it coming, which was exactly what she had wanted... Even if it did take a little bit of the fun out of it. They worked quickly, careful teamwork that only months of being forced together and fighting for their lives could build, and they were a seamless and efficient team when they needed to be. Even without her lightsaber, the vibroblade served her well, Atton's blaster fire providing the perfect back up to her. Down they went in the same procession as the ones who came before them. There was little fight in them, and she almost changed her mind, almost stunned then and began to tell Atton to tie them up. But if he sensed her changing attitude, he ignored it in favor of making sure they left none alive.
“I think we... Got everyone.” She looked up at him as he moved in closer to her, practically hovered.
There was a nod and the flash of a quick smile. “You can feel it, too, Atton.”
The man shook his head, living in the moment by brushing a strand of her hair back behind her ear. “I believe you.”
A moment's hesitation before she stepped away from him. “Should we take their credits, too?” It felt depraved, but it wasn't an unusual thing for her to do, either, and sometimes she wondered how they could still call her a Jedi when she could so easily steal and kill.
Atton looked around them and shrugged. “They're not going to use it.” The smirk was on his lips before he was finished talking, and she relaxed visibly under his familiar look. The smirk grew. “We got ourselves a ship, you realize.”
“A very obviously named ship.” A sad smile flitted across her face.
“You okay?”
“I know that...” Isolde paused, staring at the crimson covering her sword before swinging her gaze back up Atton. “In our time, it's not... Great. But I miss it. I miss the Hawk and I miss her crew...” She shook her head. “I'm fine. Let's just... get what we came for. I don't like being surrounded by these bodies.”
The woman paused in her step, ignoring the thrill that always came when he said her name. Now wasn't the time to think about that. “Hm?”
“You haven't landed me in a cell yet. I'm thinking, you know, we should just explode this place on our way out. Maybe land us in that trouble that seems to follow you everywhere.”
“Atton,” she admonished in a soft voice.
“Fine, fine. But you can't ever say that I didn't offer it.”
A small grin met him as she turned around, walking backwards toward the hangar as she watched him carefully. His eyebrows rose at the change of position, but he wisely said nothing, just wore his smirk. “Maybe just one explosion...”