In random news, does anyone else here think it's hypocritical of Clear Channel to suspend Howard Stern's radio show for it's content, but promote Britney Spears's concert tour where she touches herself in a clear bathtub and shoves men's heads between her legs? And don't give me the speech about how political and anti-Bush Howard Stern is, whereas Britney Spears is an airhead and it doesn't matter what political opinion she has (if any).
Ah, I
thoroughly dislike Britney Spears. As if you couldn't tell.
Click to subscribe to Antibritandproudofit My cold is easing up. I've been coughing up hockers all day. Hooray for purple medicine (even though it tastes nasty).
I am now on the market for a new VCR. My old one took a crap. Good thing they don't cost so much anymore, and good thing I'm getting my first big paycheck from Blockbuster this week.
I'm still working on the South Park Rocky Horror peeps. I finally got multicolored glitter to use on Frank. I'll have to get red glitter when I get around to Frank and his floorshow garb. And I also got a long cord for my corset, so maybe I can start wearing that instead of the boack bustier thing I've been wearing. I'm probably going to have to make a new pink dress, though. I don't think the one I have now is going to hold up much longer.