Jan 05, 2006 16:35
Sometimes stuff just...happens. I don't necessarily think that closure is really all that important in EVERY situation. Maybe sometimes you just let it ride out...live and let live. No e-mails, no phone calls, no texts... no questions or complaints, no letters in the mail, or stopping by someone's house...no... just letting something "be" could quite possibly be the best way to learn from anything. In the situations in my life...I don't know what closure would accomplish. Why beat a dead horse? There's no need for it. In other people's situations...I get it. You need an answer because one was never provided... but what if there is no answer? I mean...what if things just happen.
this probably made no sense at all...in my head it did.
I'm really happy right now... I've realized that I'm not going to make a cosmic change in the world...but little waves count for something.