Jun 17, 2009 20:04
For today's post, I'm just going to list all of the things I want to for myself and my life. I don't do this ordinarily, because I don't think anybody actually pays attention to these sort of things. Personally, people overlook the power of transformation occurring from one moment to another, and they don't recognize the true power of the choices we make.
People are naturally afraid of the power that they have their own life. There's always an excuse that exists for why our dreams are impossible. I'd always heard that not following my heart was ultimately a disservice to my own wants and needs, but I never really got what that meant until last night. When I say I want to follow my heart, and actually start my own band, I try, and after the first challenge I'm presented with (i.e. my lack of lyricism), I decide against. it. What I realized was that I was actually giving the power I had over the situation to the excuses that emerged from tackling it. And for everything I could make up for why the dream was impossible ( I wasn't a good singer, I'd never written lyrics, I'd never tackled something on my own before), I realized that was only doing service that I wasn't good enough, and that it was bad to feel that way.
My dream had been decided by an excuse, and was completely out of sync with my initial commitment to making music a presence to be reckoned with. I decided not to, because I didn't want to deal with the feeling that anything I did was impossible or unreachable. People keep telling you to reach for your dreams, and it just seemed like a bandwagon to hop on, as opposed to a lifestyle. It just seemed like another way for people to compete with themselves. It's pathetic to watch volunteer efforts turn into a race to be the better human being, instead of making the focus on being a contribution.
Just thought I'd get that off my chest. I was listening to Air on the way home from Sammy's last night, and it occurred to me that anything was possible when I chose to think like this for myself. I'm ordinarily not so positive, so people are going to have to get used to the idea.
So I'm going to make a list-- a bucket list, if you will, of things I'd like to accomplish, or take on for my life, and actually have some follow through.
I want be a singer. I want to transform literacy into a necessity, as opposed to a luxury for those who can afford it. I want to be a stand for female empowerment in my work. I want to be a good friend. I want to laugh at myself.
I'm holding myself to that.