's been a while since I lasted posted, right? Yeah...that's what I thought. Just when I thought the coast was clear...LIFE attacked! I've basically got a week of classes and then exams, so right now I'm trying to edit my Poetry portfolio, study for my exams, get my regular classwork done, and finish up those last couple projects professors love to give their students right at the end of the year to torture them.
In other news, I've been hanging out a ton with my close friend Ross. He's a Business major, as opposed to my English-majoring self, and really hasn't liked his classes this semester, resulting in a lot of work piling up that he hasn't done. Right now he's trying to get everything together and pass the classes...or at least maintain a high enough GPA to stay in Queens.
I'm really worried that he might not make it. Unlike me, who pretty much has had a clear plan of where I want my life to go since middle school, Ross really doesn't know what to do with himself. He knows he wants to major in Business, if only because it's practical (his parents are the pragmatic sort who want him to have a career where he makes a good amount of money and a secure future) and once he's got his degree he'll be able to do pretty much anything he wants with it.
But I don't think that's all what he really wants to do with his life--he loves the artsy side of life; he loves photography and architecture, he enjoys the more Bohemian parts of Charlotte; for goodness sake, he came with me to Hazmat a few weeks back! So he's caught between what his parents expect of him and what he has been raised to value, and what his heart and his nature really love. Only I don't think he's realized this on a conscious level. Unlike me, he is good at blending in when he wants to; if there's a place he doesn't want to be but is stuck in, he can adapt. I just silently go crazy and deteriorate, in a metaphorical sense.
All I want is for him to be happy. I like the eccentric, interesting, artistic and experimenting Ross--not the normal Business student he initially presented himself as.
So getting back to my original point: if Ross can't (or won't) stay at Queens after this semester...I don't think I will either. I know he'll probably go to UNCC, which is the school I would transfer to if I ever left Queens. To be honest, Ross is probably the only reason (or at least the biggest reason) I'm still at Queens: because he is. He is my closest friend; he feels comfortable confiding in me (I wish I could do the same; or at least help him more than I do); we hang out so much...
I really dislike most of the people at Queens: average, boring, sheep. They could never connect to me--and believe me, I've tried. But Ross is very like me; he feels the same I do.
So, if he goes, I will, too. Preferably to UNCC, because it is much more diverse (it has Japanese as a language, which is the language I most want to learn; it has an anime club, it's where I do Parkour, is has GOTH PEOPLE, for goodness sake!) but if he wants to go somewhere else...I might go there, too. If I can get accepted.
And you know what? I was talking to my roommate, Stacey, who is the other person I'm closest to. She'll probably be transferring out at the latest by Junior year. And one of the places she wants to go is UNCC. If the three of us all go there together...I would be so happy; much more than I am here at Queens.
But first I have to survive exams here. The future can wait until I pass the semester.
And I hope Ross passes, too. I don't want to be apart from him any longer than I have to.