Bitter Sweet

May 26, 2004 12:44

Well, I had an amazing fun time with Janeen while she was here. We were able to go to dinner with Waffle, Rosy! And for those of you who may or may not know her Betsy came along as well. We had a wicked fun time. After dinner we went over to Shelly's house and chilled with her till her Fiance got there and their band had to go practice. Anyhoo... it was tons of fun. We laughed so much my stomach started to hurt! Boy was it worth it!

Last night at church we sang this song that had me weaping... Its called Speak To Me. Anyway, it was amazing... Sent me right into a place of repentance. you know its so hard to be a sold out christian when you are being pounded in the face by the world and all that it tries to offer. But having friends and leadership that encourage you and try keeping you accountable it makes it a pinch easier. However it takes will, preserverance, and a want to follow hard after God.

Today, is a beautiful day! I was able to rest in later than I usually do and I am excited about what the Lord has instore for me. I love my job, and can't wait to see everyone at work. I love coming in and knowing that its all family that I work with here. God totally blesses me all the time. How thankful I am.

I hope you all are doing well, and believe me being a Christian isn't easy sometimes; but press in and go for the goal... A prophetic word by my pastors wife Deanna Deering, that I want to share with you and I pray you are all touched in someway, and that the Lord would whisper his words of love and ecouragement to you. Be blessed as you read it!

I am birthing a cry in My people, a cry for me. My chosen ones are coming to know in a very real way, that man's works are futile. Apart from me you can do nothing, and this means apart from me you can do nothing. Those who try to include Me into there plans and their programs will increasingly fall away. Those who hunger for Me and my Power and spirit will be drawn into a place or longing. This longing is being birthed with in those who position themselves in longing for Me and me alone will not be denied.

But the time of waiting has been here, waiting will separate the motives of the Heart! Waiting will purify the vessel in its need for recognition and approval. Those who determine to go forward with an eternal will rest in the waiting. Those who settle for less will receive the lesser things. I am seeking a bride who has been proven worthy in all Her ways. Who is willing to be proven worthy? Do you not see that this is the greatest intimacy offered to man? To come into union with Me?

Such an offer is not to be taken lightly. This is why many are called and few are chosen. Do you choose to be chosen? I ask you my friends the time is drawing near. Those who have determined in there hearts to have me at all costs will press on in. In the waiting, there will be a separation upon the land. Those being prepared for holiness will rise higher in the waiting. I am Coming! I am Coming! I am coming!
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