Jan 20, 2007 01:12
man, im talking to my friend right now from nyc..& okayy here's the story
she used to not like me. like @ all. but i never knew that. until about 3 years ago when i first went back to nyc & she told me that her & a couple of other people used to not like me & thought i didn't like them..but we're like supperr close now!! & its awesome. & right now she's telling me right now all stuff i used to do..& man i was a lil b****. i mean i dont even remember being that mean. like she told me about how one time she told me she liked a guy but i remember liking that guy too..so supposedly i was all like "im gonna tell everyone even your parents!" all like little kid..haha..& she got super pissed off @ mee..but its weird cuz now we're like bffs..haha..i dunno
i really do need to go to bedd