Feb 22, 2005 06:25
So theres this modeling thing that I heard about and its on Thursday...this Thursday which is short notice but I think I just might go to it if I have a way there concidering its in Warwick R.I.. I've been trying to do modeling b.s online but my comps. gay and half the time isnt working right so thats why im concidering doing this. Mostly everyone I ask the question of "Should I try to model" respond with the answer of yes so thats a good thing..so what the hell why not give it a shot .. whats so hard about going...getting my make-up done...taking a picture and hoping to get a call.It's not like im going to kill myself if I dont get it .. im not an owl I dont wanna kill myself over petty things(no one will probably get that ..inside joke)Now i wasnt going to mention this modeling b.s to everyone cuz if I dont go ppl like Jessica and Jay will probably be mad at me lol .. but its cool .. Jay already knows about it and I'll more then likely... hopefully... better see Jessica today ..and I'll end up telling her about it anyways so I guess if I dont go im going to hear it either way lol .. well I just felt like posting and this was the only thing on my mind... well this and the Mariah Carey"bringing on the heartbreak" video...(I never actually watched the whole thing until about 20 minutes ago.. and OOOOOH MY GOD...If I was a guy I would sooooo have sex with Mariah Carey .. hell I'll do it now..I'll so be a gay for Mariah Carey.. ok .. yeah im in a really random mood right now... please excuse it lol .. Well if you got anything positive OR negative to say about me possibly going to that modeling thing on thursday then leave me a lil comment... and I want Honesty please lol!!! well im out
Love Linzi
718 promise....sorry Jessica but Mariah Carey is insane in that video.. I still have all the love for you though.. cuz your my wifey!! lol