Feb 03, 2005 19:13
Exactly one week from today is MY 18th birthday so the countdown begins.
So im just chillen at home right now listening to music and waiting for palmer to get here so we can hang out.. dont really know where were going.. i know well end up going to some resturant but i dont know where .. maybe friendlys or ruby tuesday's... yeah that sounds good... Anyways im dying ive been dying for almost a week now...ok so maybe im not really dying but ive been coughing up a f*ing storm since last friday..on top of that i have a sore throat which isnt going to get any better because coughing makes it worse ...but the worst part of this sore throat thing is for the past 3 days i have felt like my throat got punched in(i like to call it a diving board that all my evil blood cells are jumping off)lol but im finding it pretty hard to breath especially when i lay down at night ..i know the coughing im doing isnt really a "sick" cough its more of a cough cuz of my asthama and bronchitis but it still sucks and it really needs to STOP! ok so enough about that ...as much as i dont wanna jinx this my knee has been feeling alot better im still wearing the soft brace and im suppose to until march but i might take it off b4 then ..we'll see...well im going to end this now so ... im out
love linzi
718 promise