maybe i can widdle wood with you sometime COOL BUUUD-DY!!!

Jan 31, 2005 02:03

First off all ive been watching lately is SON in so addicted to that movie..anyways my weekend was a good one Friday i hung out with Jessica and Palmer. Palmer and I picked up Jessica at her moms house and then we went by her house so we could get her gear cuz she was suppose to do something in the show that night but when we got to the was a different story and she wasnt going to be wrestling so we said peace to that and went to t.k's for some food ...friday was not my day me and jessica were being so randomly mean to each other.. ok not mean but it just wasnt like it normally is lol .. but we eventually figured out why... anyways so when we were at tk's i almost died thanks to a mozerella stick... and nobody even knew i was chocking then when i finally could breath i told them that i just almost died and jessica comes out this with "BRILLIANT" idea that i shoudl have done "Jessica: You were chocking? Why didnt you say something? Me: Cuz i was really chocking i couldnt even breathe nevermind talk" lol .. you gotta love her!! :)after t.k's we randomly went to the mall that lasted for about 20 -25 minutes concidering it was closing...after the mall i believe is when jessica went home.. from there palmer and i went by blockbuster then stop and shop then he brought me home cuz i wasnt feeling all that great so i came home and watched glitter and then jessica text me so i talked to her for a little bit and then eventually went to sleep!Then on saturday Jessica and i borrowed palmers van which we do when he has to work nights...So we tried to go to ruby tuesdays for some grub.. nope couldnt do that the line was to long.. then went tried 99...nope couldnt do that either cuz the line was even we then dicided burger king was the way to go so we got food and we chilled for while which is always fun when your with your best friend :) ...then we eventually got mariah and we proceeded to go to walgreens where jessica discovered that they have jessica simpson stuff lol .. she was so happy about it. then from there she went home...i was not so happy about that lol .. after bringing her home i went back to my house and relaxed for a little bit b4 i had to get palmer.. then eventually it was 11:45 so Sierra and i went and got hime from work we made a qucik stop at a hot dog place and then he brought us home.. and we watched son in law and she fell asleep and i did to eventually. Then today(sunday) well yesturday concidering its 2:22am ...Jessica Palmer and I went to Fall River and we picked up food from paradise then we went to my moms house and and ate i had them all watching son in law we only stood around a little bit after the movie was over and then we went to wal greens really quick then we brought Jessica home we had or hour hug lol .. and then Palmer and I went to his house and watched the rumble was pretty good stuff!! Im just happy batista won he deserves it hes gotten a WHOLE lot better and after that ridiculous pop he got when he came out if i was ont he booking staff i would have changed the shit anyways and made him go over just for that lol .. anyways i am now home d.ling music and as soon as its all done im going to go lay down and watch a movie!! so im out
love linzi
718 promise
"stop putting words in my not putting words in your mouth but i will"
"you were chocking? why didnt you tell us?"
"i think i know why"
"do you think we'll get stuck....well i aint pushing if we do so lets not see"
"i think its an ice cream place....nope its a church"
"do you think that light mean somebody lives there?"
"my chicken said if you dont go somewhere soon its going to walk away"
"i got bad news"
"i think its cute"
"Fruit Salad.... i cant deal with this"
"how are you going to jinx that"
"omg bright light"
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