Jan 13, 2004 21:29
weh hey i finally had my first driving lesson today but not before
- going to dannys and getting an electric shock from his next door neighbours electric fence many times haha
- danny letting me have a play around in his car in the complex car park :>
then i just got back from skating, jack must have been there all of half an horu before he wanted to get the bus home the lame ass wots the point of going out to skate for just half an hour honestly grrrrrrrrrr and then there are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many wasters in mansfield why go down to a place and hang out just to get stoned don't people have lives or jobs and then the best i was sat at the bus station listening to this scally tell his long lost scally friend about how he moved back up here and since he's been here 3 years he's been in and out of jail 8times wot a plonker..........apparantly its for being on the gear then i heard the stories of how he got chased by 3 cars to where his gran lives and they were hammering on her door with baseball bats asking for him hahahahaha fucking wasters any who im off bye bye