
Nov 20, 2003 14:42

well life been very ermm........ hard work at the minute, work is okay once i get there but mum and dad are pissed that i have a job now cuz they have to pick me up, you wanted me to get a job mum/dad so fucking deal with it !!! school work is piling up i got resets and an english exam coming up, the belgium trip is gonna be 200 pound arghhhhhhhh all my teachers are giving me homework (even in my resit lesson) i need to skate but i cant cuz i have work mostly and homework so im pissed off about that.......felicity is pissing me off im spilling all my love and energy into her at the minute and trying to help her deal with her shit and i get fuck all in return not even a thankyou, i give her advice and try and cheer her up then she just takes the problem else where and lets everyone no about it and storms off n doesn't talk to me so bollox i aint being mister nice boyfriend now----she's being weird as well i keep asking her if anything ups and she says no but i know there is i can see it but no she wont tell me she tells some fucking pod nob head arrghhhhh yeh im jealous pissed off all everything rolled up into one and i cant explain it all properly but i no how i feel about this im on the edge of snapping im trying to be composed and shit about life but it aint working ..............i think im jst not gonna think about it and let her have her space and deal with her shit while i deal with mine instead trying to balance them both..............arghhhh its jst the little things like twice iv helped her with homework and helped her lines in the play and when i need her book to do the homework in english she don't even fucking offer it to me or ask if we wanna do it together arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................

anyway iv got a new set up and danny has passed his test and crashed in two days in a row wot a twat but its funny hahah

im going before i rant anymore, get some homework done :(
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