People seem to get kinda nuts around hurricane time.
There've been 3 almost hurricanes in a month and every time the bread aisle of the grocery store is sold out... nothing else, just bread. Why? Is it like hot-wings and football? You just gotta have bread to go with it? The first time I could maybe understand... they want basic nutrition if the grocery store is blown away but why every time? Wouldn't you think they'd still have their original bread stockpile intact for the next one? Or was it just not good anymore after being tainted with the smell of fear?
During the first hurricane it looked for certain we were going to get hit but nobody put up any plywood on their windows. Now on this one when it's still a week away people are nailing plywood on their expensive windows when nobody knows where it's going to be in a week. Why not just buy the wood and wait until you have to leave?
Bottled Water
Actually I haven't noticed this so much as when I was a kid.... people would buy out the bottled water supplies.... why not just fill up a few pitchers from the sink and put them in the refrigerator?
Someday I hope to get off the crazy pills, sit in the dark security of my plywood fortified living room, and eat plain bread and Aquafina with the rest of them.