Sep 21, 2005 18:29
Alright, well most of my schooling is pretty easy right now. I was ahead by a week and a half in my math class, now im with the class again. Just means I gotta go to class again and spend the entire time doing homework for a few days to get ahead again. Its math I have done before so its more or less a refresher. I'm only missing points that are 'participation' which makes up 25% of the grade... when combined with homework... leads me to believe that most of those points are handing in homework.
My sociology class isnt very hard at all... the professor wrote the book for it and the book has a study guide in it. We had our first exam in that class and I couldnt believe how easy it went... i did 75 questions in 20 minutes... kinda easy.
My weight training class is going well enough, but I need to get my program from the professor so I can actually do it all 3 days that I have scheduled. I either need to find him tonight so that I can take care of that stuff now, or I have to double up days tomorrow because im leaving for home tomorrow night and want to get the full program in before I leave.
My music class has an exam tomorrow that I'm not quite prepared for just yet, but most of my night tonight is going toward that. If I do some decent cramming, I should be in good shape... hopefully. Got a 98% on the first quiz.
The criminal justice class I'm taking is kinda funny because we always get out of class in about half the time the class actually is supposed to go. I'm not complaining because it allows me to have more free time but on the contrary we have a lot of reading we are supposed to do after every class.
Life in General
Its almost a little strange being out here because I have only been here for 3 weeks and it feels like I know a lot of people already. Its weird in some ways but cool in others, I mean I wasn't what you would consider popular back in Haslett. Sure everyone knew me, but it wasn't like I was invited to parties or anything like that but out here, there is no shortage of people inviting me to go places. Its crazy. I have a girlfriend now who I like a lot and (when we have time) see often. It's strange because I want to go home on sundays every weekend because I look at the week ahead and i'm usually a bit afraid but when it comes to wednesday, I dont want to leave because the weekend is so close and I dont really wanna miss out any fun.
When I look at my life out here, then i look at my life back at home I see how mixed up I am. At home, I'm comfortable, around my family, and with old friends but when I'm here at Western I see possibilities... I can play halo with 6 or more people almost anytime I want. I can go grab food without having to hunt someone down. I'm physically active out here to the point where I look back and wonder why I'm not dead from all those years of no physical exertion.
Anyway, i gotta go do some math homework so I'll cya.