Originally published at
The Codex Arcanus. Please leave any
comments there.
Had coffee tonight with Mary. She is a most excellent person and lots of fun to hang out with. I look forward to hanging out with her more. She and Weasel got along really well. Weasel opened up and started talking to her, which is good to see. Especially because Weasel has been really stressed this week. She is helping out around a friend’s business office and she is doing a fantastic job, but its been difficult for her. As the week goes on she finds she is feeling more scatterbrained and less and less like she wants to go into the office. Tomorrow is her last day though I know she will make it through alright.
I have finished making updates to my website adding new features for galleries as well as crossposting to various other blog sites. So for my friends that follow my antics they can now find me on my blog, live journal, blogger, facebook and twitter. Myspace still eludes me because all the plugins won’t work with this version of Wordpress. I may have to crack open their coding and see what I can do.
So for fun I present: DOOM the classic game now ported to a Flash version. Go out there and fight some space-zombie-demon-things. See how l33t your skills are after all these years. Can you dial your brain back to the old school ways?