Resistance mini-plot upcoming!
So all the details of the mini-plot are
here so what I need from everyone are names and world names. You can handwave this or if enough people are interested in doing it, I'll set up a log and you can play it out - I'll be handwaving Tony contacting Resistance members to come to his place of solace so he can give out the
team listings (if you're missing from that then please, please tell me!) and to tell them about this assignment.
Things to note:
* You can feel free to not take part because Tony's not making this like a mandatory thing
* Because Ichigo was the one to make this relevant, Ichigo + his friends (you don't need to work in the teams Tony has assigned for this but it's a good chance for getting some new CR if you all want it) get first pick of the people to talk to
* From the mod comment: "If asked, the NPCs will act as if Promenade has always been their home - that is to say, their memories of their old homes are all gone and they believe they've been residents forever." Please remember this!
What I need from you:
Names + world names. These people are just like the characters we have so they can be from earth or wherever. They'll remember nothing of their own world as previously noted but I thought it'd be good to have names for the npcs to make this more real. Just list the stuff here, I'll compile it all and stick it up on google docs!
I also don't have a date yet, I need names along with wanting to know who is interested in playing this out.