Apr 05, 2005 23:52
You know, it's really my most developed skill. I can put off anything; I can delay past the point of no return. Take today for example. Wasn't feeling well (sicker than a dog, actually) so I stayed home from work. But it was the type of illness where you're mostly fine except for the need to puke every so often, so I had a list of things I was going to get done.
Most of the items on my list weren't even that hard. Write an email, wash the sheets, download some files from my school account. There were only two things that had any real importance (the more important a task is, the easier to avoid) I had to write an outline for my AmLit2 paper and highlight some articles for Shakespeare, neither of those things is even daunting. And you know what I did all day? I watched three episodes of NCIS, I organized my CD collection, I did a few crossword puzzles, and I watched a disc and a half of Friends Season 9. And, the only truly productive part, I straightened up my room, which I've been working on for nearly three months (I nearly said three weeks but why lie?).
Seriously, if Procrastination were a company, I could be CEO. I would be sitting in my Gulfstream, sipping a glass of orange juice, reading a comic book, and ignoring all the procrastination I was falling behind on. Procrastination could be piling up around me, no problem--I wouldn't even see it. I would be the multi-million-dollar-bonus-because-I'm-just-that-good-at-putting-things-off CEO.
And obviously I'm not the only one. So what is it? Why is it that the moment I feel I HAVE to do something, even if it's something I enjoy... I don't do it. I use every strategy known to man (and some known only to Venusians) to avoid, delay, and just generally not do that task. I don't have an answer. And now that I feel I should come up with one...
Yeah, I'll be in the other room watching Murder, She Wrote.