i totalled my car this morning. it's pretty awesome. and all because there was a manhunt in lititz. a swat team of 30 national guardspeople in full camo with AK's and other insane guns were crossing route 501 in lititz. cars in front of me braked suddenly and i rear-ended the car in front of me real hard. that's pretty sweet. i'm waiting to hear back from the insurance company to find out for sure that it's totalled.
i didn't have to go to the hospital and neither did anyone else, but i was told to take it easy for a day or two. fuck it, i'm going to leave the house tonight because it's booooring having to stay at home. at least for the afternoon i have scrubs season 1 to watch and the new vast aire cd to listen to. mario came and picked me up from the scene of the accident and told me all about his cruise. we're definitely going to europe next fall or winter.
oh, and i just heard the cops gunned down the guy they were looking for, so at least they didn't cause an accident for nothing. seriously it was the most police force i've ever seen in one place: a huge swat team, cops on horseback, k-9 units, two choppers, and a ton of cop cars, not to mention the 10+ tv station vans all over the place.
apparently i was on the news even though i told the reporter that i didn't want to be and asked them to stop taping me. also, they totally made up a caption on WGAL's website. i'm pissed; i should sue.