it's gonna be troublin' you and me bubblin'

Jan 04, 2011 22:01

Reply to this meme by commenting "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.

Words from kawaiikame


I don't find myself very academic. I used to but since entering high school I've started to see that maybe it's better for others. I'm not exactly sure if I'm creative - it's more like I love a creative mind. "Creativity" is probably about creating as in producing something whereas I feel like my creativity is stuck in my head where it exists for my own joy and enjoyment (and sometimes others if I get fic explosions). I used to draw and stuff but then I hit a huge artblock and... it's ruined it from me, now I'm more like afraid to draw because I've gotten so bad at it. I have Higher Level Arts as my school subject, but I'll probably drop it to Standard Level at some point (because I can and it'll be more beneficial to me). Still, I think I'd die if there weren't creative people around. It would be such a cold and lonely place.


The love of my life, the only thing I can at least on rare occasions excel at and my form of a creative outlet. Fanfiction is my only hobby and without being able to write it I'll be very miserable and out of hands. Dangerously so when concerning myself. It makes me happy, it makes me sad - I don't even know. I just absolutely love it and have loved ever since I stumbled upon it. I also love reading other people's fics and I can be all hyped up about them for months (or actually, I think I have a couple I've loved for over a year and I can still remember some things from fics years and years ago) if they really strike me.
Fanfiction is a huge part of the me-me. I don't want it to ever change.


Sometimes it feels like my personality is bi-polar - I can care so much but then again, I am able to turn uncaring in the matter of seconds. Still, I do care. I really do, but for some reason life has made me so good at hiding it from others (and myself) my friends often have to seriously question themselves about do I care about them or do I not. I just want to say that I do. Caring is such a big emotion that it gets me in such bad places that I might block it occasionally, but I do care and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I wouldn't. Acting like I don't only makes me miserable. Just... know that I do. It's because I do that I act like I don't.


When I think about it, I'm not sure if I've always been lost. At least for the past three years I've been lost and I'm still unable to find my way.
Ignoring the downsides and the sorrow with being lost, I think it's still a beautiful place. I'm not sure if I want to find and follow my road.


My basic personality feels optimistic and even though life has changed me to a very pessimistic realist, the spark is still there. I think there is hope, there is sunlight and a way out. There are moments that are worth everything. Life can always change, and even though hope is a very cliché and pathetic thing, I sometimes enjoy just feeling it - even if I can feel it only as long as I don't try to see if my hope (for anyone) is really even possible.

personal, meme

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