First world problems? Surely not!

Jun 19, 2010 13:13

Apparently my way of dealing with the stress of travel is writing extensive packing lists and obsessively planning EVERYTHING.

I'm a neurotic mess at the best of times, but something about travel kicks that up several notches. It's not that I don't like travelling. It's just that being in another country makes the shit I worry about on a daily basis a bit more difficult. What if I get lost, or mugged? What if this train is cancelled? What if a zombie plague breaks out/a volcano erupts/humanity suddenly runs out of oil and I can't get home?

This particular trip is even more stressful, because it's the first time I'm going away without my parents. (Yeah, I know, I'm lame.) It's an AEGEE Summer University, which means basically going to another country for two weeks to sleep on a local student's sofa and getting drunk with a bunch of people from all over Europe. (The Amsterdam to Enschede one, in case you're curious.)

It's exactly the sort of thing the kind of person I like to think I am would do, and the sort of thing the person I actually am would hate, being a socially awkward nerd. I signed up kind of on a whim, and couldn't believe I actually got chosen. The people seem nice, judging by emails written in slightly broken English, and it does sound fun, so I am excited. I'm just also FUCKING TERRIFIED. What if they hate me? D:

I've made the decision that it's going to be heaps of fun and an experience that helps me grow as a human being. So, you know, wish me luck.

(Because I'm nothing if not a slow learner, I also really want to come to the brookerfic meetup. It's just... I'm new, people probably don't want me there with my rubbish accent and stupid laugh. Whine whine whine!)

This post is probably really confusing. Sorry.

i am a ridiculous human being, oh dear god stop whining, pretending to be cool, meee

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