Help: Meetup vs Yahoo! Groups - which is better?

Jun 23, 2008 06:30

I'm going to start a group for (my site) Ethical Beads (

I've only just decided to create it, so I'm not entirely sure what it will involve, but I want it to be a place for people who care about social justice, ethical consumerism, ethical trading, fairtrade-type etc issues particularly with regards to the bead & jewellery industries (and for those with constructive criticism of the above, interesting alternative suggestions etc).

I'd like there to be online & offline discussion, resources, activism of some kind... probably other stuff too and for these things to feed into the website & visa versa.

Meetup / Yahoo / Google / Other: If you've used any of these groups or know alternatives, please respond & with as much detail as you'd like; I'd really appreciate the help

- Do you use or have you used
- Do you use or have you used Yahoo! Groups?
- Do you use or have you used Google Groups?
- If you've used two or three of these, which do you prefer, if any?
- Are there any similar sites you've heard of and/or would recommend?

Instead of coming up with a more comprehensive survey I'll respond to comments for now.

Ethical Beads, some background

I started Ethical Beads for two reasons, commercial / creative & charitable / altruistic:-

- Centralised directory of resources (articles, places to buy/sell etc)
- Raising awareness
- Selling beads & jewellery I've created
- Collaborating with others

Aims of Ethical Beads

* Raise awareness of the ethical issues involved in bead & jewellery manufacture.
* Make it easy for ethical consumers to purchase ethical beads & jewellery, thus:
* Revolutionise bead & jewellery crafting & manufacturing communities internationally.

NB The first & only post ( is pretty excessively activist in tone, I'm not really happy with this. I'll be working on pitching it at a level with which I'm comfortable.

I welcome comments, including constructive criticism, but please do bear in mind that this is something I'm exploring & that I really do not have a clear or coherent philosophy on this at all (hence not being sure of tone yet). Thanks :)

It's a tough one & I have a lot of work to do, but that's okay.

Anyone who is at all interested in contributing to this in any way, please do speak up :)

moss, ethical beads, help, ethical consumerism, filter: public

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