JivinJ Scores Again!

Jan 17, 2008 11:23

JivinJ has a humorous blog entry tracking former John Edwards' blogger Amanda Marcotte's comments on our motives. (She's writing for RHRealityCheck, some cool, trendy pro-choice blog. "Being pro-choice just makes sense to cool people of all nationalities..." No really, they manage to fit every conceivable nationality on their header image. Who doesn't love a pro-choice Indian Hindu?)  It's funny how she can't just stick to one evil motive from our camp. Writes JivinJ:
According to a post today, Marcotte claims, "It's well understood that one of the primary motivations of the anti-abortion movement is generating a steady supply of white babies into the adoption market."

Last week, Marcotte believed prolifers were "primarily motivated" by a "desire to control sexual expression, especially female sexual expression."

Two weeks ago, it was all about virginity. Prolife men don't care about unborn children, they want to make sure women are virgins on their wedding nights. This, of course, is part of the "larger social agenda, which is controlling women." I'm not sure if this extends to the numerous women who lead prolife organizations.

Seven months ago, Marcotte revealed the "true intentions" of prolifers were "to punish and control women, and it has nothing to do with babies" because authorities in Pennslyvania [sic] arrested a woman for the abuse of a corpse after she stored her apparently miscarried child inside her freezer.

As someone in his comment section pointed out: if they knew anything about what we think, they'd be pro-lifers.

pro-choice tactics, abortion, blogs

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