Feb 26, 2006 03:19
Yah, been awhile since I've done a blog, figured I should since some interesting things have happened over the past couple days.
First off, let me get the title out of the way. Yes, this statement is true. From a certain point of view. (The Star Wars way of saying I'm talking bullshit, but only sorta.) Anyways, I was having a dream this morning, slightly before ten lasting until noon. I know this because I remember waking at that time and falling back asleep. Saturday, nature's way of telling you sleep is good. But I digress once more. I had a dream I was dining with my family and some people I had no idea who they were. My father called me weird for listening to Frank Sinatra, which I know came from my conversation with Steph where I brought that terrible secret to light. (Yah, I listen to Sinatra, got a problem with that?) So the next thing I know, I'm lying in my room reading something when this girl comes in. I'd never laid eyes on this girl in my waking life before, but I felt some significance attached to her. A description fails me, but I want to say she had a passing resemblance to a high school picture of rika she showed me, but nowhere near an exact match. She was lying on my bed with me and we were about to kiss hen two of my floormates popped in asking for something. (In the dream still.) I looked for it and couldn't find it. They left, and I turned back to the girl. Then I woke up.
Ladies and Gentleman, I hate myself so much my subconcious would not let me have a proper dream with sex in it. Weird thing was this was the first dream I very clearly remembered in quite some time, so yah. That was interesting.
Next up, my stoner/drunk roomie moved out! Yah, kinda sad to see him go cause he was very laid back and cool, but then again now people won't be bothering me as much and I get the whole room to myself. Keep in mind, I've got one of the largest rooms on the floor. The only other person on the floor that has as much space as me is the RA. But of course the RA had to leave for some reason and we don't have one right now, so martial order rules on the floor. So, I've been watching my back and tearing down the various "Radiation Leak due to smelling like shit" signs that have put on my door at various times. Though I did notice a dropoff in the signs after I sprayed one of my floormates in the eyes with some Tag Body spray as an example to the culprit. So far as martial law goes, I figure I'm able to handle myself for now.
In the mean time, my new claimed territory has become a Game Storage Area come Model Workshop. The desk is playing host to the various Warmachine models I'm putting together or painting. The book shelf is for RPG books and Video Games. Bed heradboard, board games. So yes, very schway, but my liebensraum (German for "Living Space") is still somewhat cluttered. Ah well, Que serah, serah.
I got a request from one of my friends in the Gamer's Club to run a Paranoia Campaign. I do not need to be asked twice, Paranoia is one of the best games ever.
Things didn't quite pan out between me and Ayame OOCly for various reasons, but we're still quite good friends, and ICly our characters are crazy for each other, so that's been nice.
Scott: I accidently X-ed the message window with your address on it before I could write it down to send the package. If you would be so kind as to leave it in an e-mail for me or something, I will be rushing the mighty Khadoran forces to you comrade.
Speaking of Warmachine, this evening I got the chance to go over to my friend (and semi-mentor) Chris' place to hang and get the games in the for the "campaign" I'm playing in, despite my thing about not being able to play in the finale (lousy spring break not being right...-_-;;) Anyways, I got a couple models special done for the event.
The first was a repainting of my precious Leviathing, darker and more in tyhe line with paintjob it looks it should have, so I was satisfied with that. But my crowning achievement, and worth it's weight in the belly laughs and chuckles it drew, was my flaming homosexual lich. For those of you unfamiliar with the model of which I speak, (about half the audience of my e-rag) imagine a large undead dragon man, augmented with various gears and hoses of mid-19th Century steamworks machinery in a steampunk fashion, weilding a bigass sword and large spread wings. Very cool, no? One problem, his open hand is posed such that Liberace would go "Oh dear christ, that's a gay looking hand". It's almost worse than a just engaged woman showing off her ring. So from this, the joke he was a flaming homosexual was born between me and a few other Warmachine generals. And I, being the one with the best gay lisp, couldreduce people to peals of laughter with my "Lich Lord Terminuth" impression. So, in honor of today, I got him painted. His color scheme, dark red for his sinister tattered wing, with the silver metal spines holding it together. His sword a reasonable silver with gold hilt. Golden mechanical bits, ok, little gaudy, but he's bad ass monster general. Bones are bone-colored, nothing out of order yet. WHAM! Armor-plates and loin-clothy bits, a bright, cheery, "Heeeellllloooo Handsome" pink. Not lightish red, not red mixed with white, fuckin cotton candy pink. I'm so proud of it. ^^ So I wanted to field him for of the games I played, and I did. I ended up winning by the skin of my teeth, but he was in essence the only thing left and he kicked serious ass and took names. He ripped two of my opponents large mechs (Called Steamjacks) apart and ate their faces. Then crapped out their heart fires just to show he cared. He is officially my 2nd favorite caster for the faction I play. Mainly because I can use him well.
If the first game was a rip-roaring good time (and it was), the 2nd game was akin to being dragged across red hot cacti naked while being forced to listen various boy bands on repeat and then getting violated in ways illegal in most countries by a team of asylum inmates wielding broken whiskey bottles whilst on a bad trip of LSD. Yes, it was that bad. Note, this was a different opponent from the first game. I killed maybe four of his models whilst he wiped my army out to the model. One of my buddies later said it was the closest he'd seen me to flying off the handle. And these people have never seen me spitting mad. (Y'know what I mean, flying rage, cursing up and down the walls, and possibly bits of random violence tossed in for good measure.) I know what mistakes I made and what not to do next time, but I still got complimented on having "balls of steel" for gritting out that match like a man without fuss. So I felt a little better, I've seen some of these guys just go apeshit when they get fucked over. For me, it was Tuesday. (Bonus points for getting the movie quote.) Then afterwards, we shot the shit for hours and heard stories about matchups gone terribly wrong and school and all that good stuff. So overall, it was a decent night.
So yah, that the notables of late, Other than spending like $5 playing the school DDR machine and finding I somehow actually spent almost 3/4 of the college money I got this semster...^^;;
And on that note, I'm tired and will go to bed. Well...after some....um....pr0nzorz...^^;;