Why you do this to me?
x Sylar seeking redemption and utterly, utterly failing was the most amazing thing I've seen on television in just about ever. Seriously, I don't think I was able to breath at all during the scene with the snow. Fucking intense.
x Boo Sylar's mom! Here I thought it was all Suresh Sr.'s fault, but it was her all along. Sylar asking her if it was okay for him to be normal smashed my heart into tiny little pieces. Let the poor man fix clocks! And he was scared of killing all those people, but he's such a sociopath, but he was so scared! I never thought I could feel for Sylar. Ever. But now I'm all confused and wibbly and why'd she have to go and tell him to be the President? Gah!
x Yeah, I still really don't like Nathan. Skeezeball.
x Ando talking about his future broke me. The fact that he knows he's going to die in two days and just keeps fighting the fight is astonishing, and he really deserves to be right about something every once in a while. They can't kill him! They just can't!
x GahEnding! Peter can't die yet! Mohinder doesn't know he's alive so they can make with the wild monkey sex !
Okay, non-emo things now:
x "He's distracted. Go stab him!" SO MUCH WIN.
x Peter and Claire totally gave me warm fuzzies in a platonic, non-squicky way. I don't really mind Kring sinking that battleship (or at least drastically augmenting it), because the two of them still have really great chemistry no matter how you decide their relationship works out.
x However, no warm fuzzies compare to Mohinder and Molly, which essentially melted me into a puddle of goo. I've managed to make it from hating Mohinder for being utterly useless to absolutely adoring him for more than his pretty (and boy is he pretty!) He's definitely been on the redemption track for the past few weeks, and tonight really cinched it. Molly wins for fixing Mohinder and generally being cute, although I don't really see how her power is going to help beat Sylar. Unless it doesn't, and creepy Eric Roberts was just manipulating Suresh into helping her help them find more mutants for tagging purposes.
x Hiro/Ando is canon, I don't care what you say. (This, of course, means Ando has no choice but to die. *weeps*)
x Sylar/glasses is the only OTP. Suck it.